Saturday, January 13, 2007

Where would your train go?

There is one thing about trains…it does not matter where you are going, what matter is…deciding to get on the train…

How do you do? Since I am talking to you right now but I am not really with you, you have to say your answer to yourself. Take your time…one, two, three, four, five… then take a deep breath.

What was your answer? How did you feel? Was your answer represents the real you – your true state and not with the pseudo-intellectual-being in front of the mirror- who only happens to be concerned with the superficial meaning of life?

Most of us when faced with that “boggling” question, we would instantly reply with a stubborn “I’m fine, thank you”, whereas, the real deal is the opposite… what a hypocritical way of defending one’s happiness in life. There is no rapid cure for that disease and malady; it has to be taken one step at a time, like a slow moving bicycle perhaps? Or a small shaft amidst the stormy sea. Slow pace, but with a consistent and sore direction towards hope, that everything in your life will fall back into its own place, in its own time.

Sometimes, in the peak of our lives, while being dizzy over fussed schedules, meeting deadlines, drinking gallons of coffees to stretch our eyes wide, 10 minutes lunchtime, killer shoes, blisters gained while running with your heels on, trying to race against the old and creaky elevator to make it on time, and punching your head when your flash disks wouldn’t open when in front of a meeting, endless waste of bond papers because your printer is not on the right mood, there is one small voice within us, saying softly “things do happen, just take it slowly and believe.” This is indeed a fact. Being a part of the team opened my eyes into a lot of other perspectives. I have learned a lot of things which the academe usually forgets to impart.

One example would be: cramming is for school-giggling-girls. Correct. Before, I somehow managed to master the “art of cramming”, in every bit and aspect of it, left and right, side by side, up and down.

My motivation comes from the adrenalin rush I usually get whenever “deadline” is facing at me in a downright angle, and believe me, I love it… but, that was before because, back then my only concern is myself. My grades, and my performance (can you see, it is all on me), so, cramming does really work, I am not stepping on anyone.

However, inside the workplace, I learned, that whatever field you are in, whatever the position, still every one’s pace and action is being directed to a one common goal that the company has. So one cannot and should not be mess up with the flow. I have become aware of the outcome of irresponsibility, other lives would be wrecked and others would be in confusion, pain and distress.

So during those times, where is the small-big-word called “hope”.

I found out that “hope” does not dissolve into thin air like gas; it stays within even when you think that there is no room for a needle. Hope is as big as love. You just have to remember that everything does happen for a reason.

When your cards do not give out the combination of numbers you want in order to win a couple of pesos, then it means that somewhere out there, one person is trying to fix things for you, to lift you up and bring you much closer to happiness, preparing you for a better future, giving you an ample time to be ready, when your big break comes.

The decision to get on the train really depends on you and on oneself. It does not depend on anything else. Having the guts to finally stand your ground is one thing. Doing everything you can to strengthen your ground is another and believing in yourself that you can defend your ground is better.

It is like a storm, when you don’t have a pocket umbrella in your handbag, when it pours, you would be wet, but still, you would be able to feel the miracle of the rain. Whereas, being prepared most of the times, will only get you dry, leaving you with the mysterious and edgy feeling of “what does rain feels like on my skin?”

The decision does lie within us all. Hard times do exist, just be happy that it does happen, because it is another memory to share when you would be drinking coffee with a friend.

Hope and pain is inevitable. Life is incomparable.

Where would your train go?

Off to work!