Sunday, January 4, 2015

the perks of having an extended family

in our world where everything is uncertain i have always live life the way i wanted it.  I make sure i spent my days in the arms of those who love me unconditionally. the year was pretty tough but i am happy we made it through.

among all days christmas season is my favorite. it is the time where i get to see everyone in my bloodline. it is the time the three of us can spend our entire days talking nonsense. and we love nonsense!

this christmas even though it was raining mad i am happy that you spend all the dinner with us. we never get tired of preparing foods, wrapped gifts and washed dishes. knowing that you will all be delighted with the food we have in our table of which you consider as yours we make sure everyone of you eat and full.

Thank you angela and kim for being always there for lade. in times i cant be home for dinner with lade you always spend your time with her. you open your home for us and we are happy to spend our free time with you too.
To ate loida and family, thank you for taking care of mom and me specially in times i cant understand myself. you never fail to check me and mom if we are really ok. your concern and love for us is great and thank you wouldnt be enough for that.
Renz thank you for loving lade with all your might. i love it when you sleep with us and i hope you do it often. i am never tired of answering all your how's and why's!
 Nene, lade and lao loves you very much.stay pretty.
benedict is my dragon city playmate and we both love john cena!
lade and lao loves xi's japanese eyes! good thing you went home for christmas.
 benedict i hope to watch wristlemania this summer with you!
 aunty cita and family i thank you for being a sister to mom.
 soy although you dont talk too much mom loves you too!
kelsey i love it when you visit us every afternoon after school. lade love to answer all your questions all those why's and why cant i.
  as the new member of our extended family..welcome home baby!
  ganda, baby jo, baby boy and mickey, you remind mom of my sister and lade loves you!
ate gilda and kuya erdie we thank you for letting honey, paula and ivan stay with us from time to time. 
ezekiel, benedic, kim, earl and kuya marcel thank you so much for taking care of lade when she is in your home. thank you for letting her stay until midnight or until lao and i come home. you always makes sure lade eat her food and medicines. 
early shell dont worry if you dont know yet how much is four ninety-nine dollars credit card bills. your mom can pay for that. as long as youre happy and happy playing dragon city with me. we will make sure all the cctv's outside your home are working. i know how much you and tito lao love tribal and vans off the wall but keep playing basketball and soccer youre good at it.
ate joie thank you for loving me, mom and lao. all my kins say your appearance is just like us. look at your eyes! hahahha although you are so busy you make time to send back on my text even if I was just trying to disturbed you most of the time and when I am bored to death. that makes you one of the best thing since peanut butter for me. you dont even lift your eyebrows and that is pretty cool. i love that you like it too when i call you gorgeous. you never hated me when i am like a child trying to asked you the same things over and over again.i wish that you always live a great life and we hope for a more surprise visit this year since you now know the way to our home. you can enter at the back door too. we love you very much.
i never get tired of loving all of you. i love it too when you tell me the truth. its ok with you too if i am aint polite and all that i tend to speak english rather than saying "po" what matters to you is that i look in your eyes when you talk to me. 
 dudang your love for fashion amaze me and i love it when you check my nail colors too.
i really love watching movies with you no matter how long is the line to get the ticket and the line to enter the movie house! i really dont mind spending much coins at the playhouse with you. 
 bem thank you for sharing all your kids with us. dont worry they are safe with us.
the love all of you gave me, lao and lade is the best christmas gift ever. thank you too for praying for lade''s health.
joy and kilo thank you for choosing our home as your comfort zone too. i love it when you visit. thank you for washing all the dishes and for cleaning our home in times we really cant.    
jang thank you for all the ramen you brought from japan and for not forgetting lade's favorite.
  imang thank you for letting princess and jang jang visit lade and tito lao!
the smile in our face are some of the best thing even euros cant buy and i am so happy abut it. ate iyang thank you for providing us everything we cant afford to have. you are always our shield and yah my shoe size is 40. thank you for loving mom so much.
mommy and daddy thank you for loving our family like your own even if there's no string attached between us you treat our family special and i feel it everytime we are in your house. i feel home when i am there. lao can sleep and snooze and he doesnt worry if its late or its raining. thank you for the love you gave me and lao and mom. i love the funnny jokes i really love it even if it means my tummy hurts but i really feel good.
we may not be in any of your bloodline but mommy, daddy and ate joie your love for us is pure and we love all of you. we really do! i really do!
Dudoi thank you for being there for me and lao when we need you the most. Remember this picture? that's one of the lord's blessings for us for of all people all ten million like that at the cathedral who would have thought that we can get the chance to bump with you. god really love us doi. we dont even know your contacts not even know if youre attending the traslacion too but look at that. thank you for reminding me that all things are not equal and for scolding me from time to time. i love it when you do for that means you really care for me. All the traits of a big brother is with you and thank you for being a real big brother to us. i often tell my friends that we are not related but they dont believe me because we look exactly like you. oh well what can i do when you have two handsome brothers who love you the most then what in the world are you gonna ask for?  we love you very much doi! stay handsome! just stay handsome! 
a great life means having a family where members love and respect each other and it doesnt mean you all belong in one bloodline you can find a family even in a strange way and with the strangers and i guess this christmas we have all the love in the world. i am lucky to experience such pure love from all of you rest assured that all our love will be yours until we can. God bless our extended family. 
thank you for all the love. thank you for loving me, tito lao and lade.

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