Sunday, October 5, 2014

joie noga .... I am happy to see you in real!

Ate joie is very pretty, so funny, so sweet, very kind and so generous (clapping the ears gorgeous) but no kidding I love her because of her perspective, she loves mommy and daddy and most of all because she is witty and had great sense of humor. I only met her once last year for about ten minutes or lesser than that. It was just a simple hi and hello im glad to meet you thing. It was just quick in the hotel room she booked for us. We exchange a couple of text like hi’s and hello’s and merry christmas and happy new year and take care and goodnights after that. Just recently I had too much conversation on viber with her too. Then during those times when I feel like I am mad to the world I share it with her and she always listen to me .I love it when she listen and laugh with me. I can tell her everything. I am not shy telling whats in my head. And when I tell her about it she used to give me pieces advice as what she fondly calls sign of wisdom. Funny side is I first met her car long before I met her in real. But I used to see her on facebook and if it weren’t for that social site I guess I will not even memorize her face. Dudoi my handsome big brother told me once that she is a great friend. I used to call her gorgeous although it seems that she doesn’t approve on that and had laughed too much when I told her but I won’t change it because for me she is.

Today I get the chance to meet and see her for real. Not in ten minutes but a couple of hours too and that is something to be treasure for. I went to see her with one of her friend who happened to be my neighbor and friend too. I was so excited when she told me a couple of weeks ago that she is going home and we can see each other and push through with the surprise visit to the two people we love the most. She is very refine and girly…That I think all the girls her age wanted to be.  She is so cool that she didn’t get mad on us when we told her that the bus we are riding is already in pili because her home is a bit far but to our surprise she rode the same bus with us. She treats us for lunch and shared a lot of light conversation about life.  And I learned that like me she loves to drink coffee.

If there are things like forever I will keep her with me. I really want to grow old and be friends with her forever even if we both settled on the other side of the earth. For even though our first meeting is lesser than ten minutes I feel her being sincere and she really wins my heart. Dudoi said that its ok to be friends with her since she is so kind and seems very happy about it. Lao is still shy to meet her but do promise me to meet her too.

She is currently working in one of the cellphone giant and although she is so busy she makes time to send back on my text even if I was just trying to destruct her most of the time and when I am bored to death and that makes her one of the best thing since peanut butter for me. I seldom tell that word to a friend but because I feel something in my heart about her I consider her one.  Everything about her is real. She sees things clearly than I do. Maybe because she uses an eye glasses for that (lol) or I think she uses more pixie dust and do some magic for me that makes me love her just like that. But i guess we have the same heart or maybe because i just feel her love for me. There’s no secrets no anything and I love her that way. The love I gave to ate joie is the same love I gave to lao and mom and dudoi and mommy and daddy. I love her like my own sister. And I thank god for giving me a very wonderful person to make friends with.

One of the best things she said to me is to give lot patience. That I think sometimes yes I do lack of it. Now I am still learning to give more of my time with that and I prayed that the soonest I will be able to master it. Ate joie gave me a sakroot’s planner as a birthday gift and i really love it. It’s far different and above cool than the planner I am currently using.  I told her that I will write anything on it and I do start to write one tonight. Maybe she is thinking when she bought it that I am a quick temper and had not look clearly on the other side of things so I can write down all that happened to me everyday even if it’s good or not pretty good for me to reflect and learn from it.

I wish to see her again pretty soon and she promised to visit us too. And I prayed that the love she gave me and to daddy and to mommy and to dudoi won’t fade even a little or vanished for no reason because we love her very much. I wish that the next time she went home I will have the chance to drink coffee and laugh with her. Take care of yourself ate joie and always live a great life. Thank you for all the love. I love you very much.(i do hope that you wont squeeze me to death until my eyes pop out for posting this)


lao said...

i will meet her promise. im just shy you know.really have to put it here and tell the world...shes pretty :)

ferdinand said...

is she's the girl you tell me last time you are talking too...hey sweetheart i think you have the same heart :) does she know you write this?

divine said...

you always amazed me with your writings babe. i wish to see you soon. mama loves you very much. hugs and kisses. kuya mc told me about this.

pam said...

really really love reading your blog. looking forward on your next post.

joni said...

im happy that you found a new friend babe. maybe shes really that kind but i will always love you as my baby and wont ever change that.until you grow old but i dont want you to grow old. I wish you write more about writing your love for us too ;) kuya and mom love it.

allysa said...

i agree with you having the same heart. i think you really are both kind as what i read in your blog and as what i see in all the pictures you posted. god bless the friendship.

red said...

i wonder how does it feels to be that special and be called the greatest. Envious really. I love it really. I wish somebody will said that to me too. Fly high addyrside! Continue to write. You're good at it.

audrey said...

it's good to have friends with great sense of humor, witty, pretty and kind. and most of all do love the people you love.

addyrside said...

thank you for reading my blog and i love all your comments. As of this day this post had already reach 1987 views from all over the world specially canada, australia, the philippines, arizona, texas, spain, colorado, georgia and california. The counter is still counting and i am happy for that and appreciate much. Rest assured that i will write more post here. I am so happy for this friendship and yes my friend joie did see this post and she likes it too. And even though i wrote this, reading it all over again with your comments added makes me happy too.