Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Friendship we build through DRR way

Armed with digital camera and my favorite cap I went to barangay cagsao- a coastal community in my town to join the Ugnayan Bahagihan 2014 field visit in line with the observance of the United Nation’s International Day of Disaster Reduction.
Dubbed, Ugnayan at Bahaginan (Linkaging and Sharing), it seeks to promote governance practices that integrate local disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts with climate change adaptation and ecosystems management and restoration.
It is a two day conference on Disaster Risk Reduction organized by CARE Nederland through ACCORD Inc. and this time our town is one of the hosts. According to the organizer this field visit aims to observe on how we were able to implement small-scale mitigation projects and sustained and for possible replication on how we do DRR in our own way. 
This event is supported by the Partners for Resilience alliance, the Dutch Cooperating Aid Agencies, and the European Commission’s humanitarian aid, and civil protection department. The conference hopes to help forge better-prepared communities that can face future disasters with less fear and more resilience. 
The conference, which gathers representatives from ACCORD partner municipalities across the country, provides a venue for learning how at-risk communities can start the process of doing DRR and ecosystem restoration while considering climate projections and the possibility of extreme weather events, and how these efforts can be sustained using their own resources.
Participants include representatives from towns of Leyte that are recovering from the devastation of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) and urban areas that experience flooding like Malabon City. Almost same participants i saw and laugh with last year during the 7th south south in agusan but i still see new smiling faces though. 
 This event aims to show that climate-smart and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (DRR-CCA-EMR) cannot be done by a single entity or municipality. Necessary links have to be established with other contingent municipalities who are equally at-risk.
Working in the government for the past six years i really love taking pictures no matter what the event is. I love it when i am busy and i am enjoying it. As part of the MDRRMC team in our municipality it is my task to secure that all things are properly documented for future use. Not only that it is also a good opportunity and a way to meet the old friends i love working with and meet new ones. I am a community facilitator when ACCORD help our town in doing DRR. At first i was hesitant to do it for i know that i am not into it but later did i know i was kinda loving it. And believe it or not the team help me open my mind to new perspective that not all are equal that some dont have enough food to eat and worst drink. That man in blue shirt carrying his backpack is the country's representative to CARE Nederland. We call him oslec. And everytime he is around i used to tell him i smell what oslec is cooking and believe me he is indeed cooking.
I love to take pictures even if it means i will turn dark and get bruises entire my body my legs specially for doing so but as long as i enjoyed taking it and still makes me happy the most then i will shot forever.
i love to see familiar faces and of course my lovely big sister. i do love to join her in their mission of building resilient communities. its such a rare opportunity that i get to talk to her even if she is so busy. i love pam very much. her name isnt pam but i love calling her pam.
i love to see how they enjoyed visiting the villages in our town specially the coastal area, help and feed our people and enjoy all the things our town could offer. 
and most of all i want to shot happy memories that my subject will treasure forever.
i know that my understanding to the degree in DRR is only like a point of molecules but i do promise myself to change more and be concerned more in the environment and our people. I get to learn everyday and in no time i will get there too for everyday is a continuous learning experience and doing DRR was one of the most important decisions my town has ever made.
All these years one thing i know is that building a resilient community is a long and tedious process.  We must have perseverance in doing it. It should be a shared commitment between the government and the people themselves. And realized that it is our responsibility to protect the environment and that this responsibility must extend further. 
We are long way to go in doing DRR and far more to building resilient community but i do hope that if we are going to work together with all positive thoughts that yes we can then in mo time we can achieve a safer and much better world to live in.
so the next time you are ask how can you be of help tell them that even in small things way like planting trees counts. or by having a proper waste segregation inside your home matters most.
 more of my photoshots under the heat of the sun.
 i think this guy is from maragusan but he is wearing a saint bernard shirt.
 this is athena...the precious athena!
 hello sir! i saw you in talacogon last year!
 how did you manage to walk in the slanting and not elevated terrain without the cane?
 the sun is bright with april
 i love the smile sister!
 xyla without sunblock
 uncle tanty's little hi little low
 Kuya pangit in blue.
 parade of drr champions.
today might be the first and the last time some of these people will step in the town of calabanga but i am happy that at least they made it here.
thank you for your generosity and for continuously believing in the capacities of calabanga. 
athena and kitty paw-paw smiling and saying that we dont have to be content with sharing experiences - we should actually learn from them. We need to stay committed to each other, look out for each other.
 what i love most about this day is that no matter how busy we are, pam and i get the chance to have pictures together and that really means to me. it doesnt matter if we both turn dark and sunburn as long as we are happy and enjoying our job and keeping our friendship stronger then that is the best thing no amount of euros can ever paid for.
 thank you michael for taking this for me.
 i really had fun!
i wish to have my feet wash by the salt water....only if im not wearing shoes and holding a camera.


fahad said...

nice shot. cool photos

abby said...

you rock baby! i love it :)