Wednesday, February 18, 2015

on the days like this forever

i grow up with the love of this people, three and quart of this are my relatives and quart of it are my extended family and often this days i used to eat and drink with them. we fondly call ourselves miguelitas taken from the brand name of a century old alcoholic drink.we seem to like the taste of it but above all we love the happiness and the bonding we have while drinking it. 

to me they are really my brothers and sisters and i think me too and my brother with them.yes we do have our own house and we love being there but since we are only three in our family sometimes we often feel the emptiness and sadness life circumstances gave us and make us through. we love spending our free time in ate iyang's house and nipa hut not that they have free wifi but because we feel the love the family is giving us. the nipa hut has been the witnessed of all the craziness we have. This is where we signed all the agreements we are to take on the next birthday we are to celebrate.

It is in this family that i would like to spend all my free time and weekend. that no matter how important the work i have with me i can always set it aside or have it done some other day and do overtime when i need to be with them. they cried with me during those time i am grieving. they know too if i am not okay or needs some medicines and most of all they cheer and jump with me in those time we are happy and had achieved great accomplishment. Love, support, friendship, and guidance are there already and i dont wanna ask for more but to have the good health for everyone of us, the fifty hectares of corn to which you all grow bear enough yield to be able to supply and support all the great things you needed and stay strong for all the trials that may come our ways.

Our grandparents taught us that life and people are always changing, but the main values and bases of the concept of family should always remain present. To many people, the definition of the word family is a unity among a group of people who care and tend to each other's needs, while forming an unbreakable bond. Therefore, family values are important and should be cherished and nurtured. Everyone has the need to feel loved, but the best love there can be is the love of a family  and i am so lucky to have the privilege of having it and being a part of it.   

This junkshop is one of the many venues of our small talks and gatherings. Nanay pining operate this but really she doesn't know what is going on outside since she and all the oldies are praying inside. This is is where love and fun is and it's great to only have good things! btw the tv case is not for sale. 

I thank god that I didn’t wake up this morning in my crap and forgot my name. I have a great family, a job, and I’m able to do the things I love. That's how fortunate I really am compared to many in the world. yes i do skip work today but would this be enough reason why i have to? You cant trade them with me you know whom i will choose! For out of the billions of human beings on our planet, they’re the ones who know me the best. 

the love and respect we have and the legacy our forefathers leave us should always remain in our hearts. i am grateful i was born and grow with you.

family is what you make it and it doesnt mean you all belong in one bloodline. its simply those with whom we share unconditional love.

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