Thursday, March 29, 2012

on the other side... sometimes i kneel and pray!

It’s like forever…isn’t it? i always run out of words. Cant think of what to tell you or where to start with...Well, I haven’t got the precious chance to update my blog. I was busy with my life. Finally it’s the end of the month and since its Friday and pay day and all the bosses gone in their grand vacation me and my other co-employees are free..not that free actually for we are doing the final touch of the project were currently doing but most are near to their finish line. I will tell you something… after I hit the post button in here me and my family are taking off too. We’re going to have our long vacation since it is already holy week we grab the chance to apply for a 10 days office leave and spend most of it somewhere out there.
far from being me

I haven’t told you that I was robbed inside our house. We lost two units laptop. But the thought of someday we going to buy fifty more laptops still it is a two unit laptops. My iphone was broke. I sit with it and the screen cracked. I haven’t done anything extraordinaire with my life since my last post. But I get the chance to go with my fellow believers in Christ this month and this post will focus on that.

We all know that im not that dedicated catholic but where ever i am I never failed to go to church on Sundays. Unlike my mom and brother who maintain their devotion I on the other side don’t have any religious organizations. But it’s not my weakest point I just don’t have the time and the willingness to do the same. But that sunday when the priest announce this event and asked for volunteers i signed myself in and the rest is my story.

i took a pose before we enter the church in buhi cam. sur
We were 70 something on that pilgrimage. Mostly were church servants and their family. (A pilgrimage is a journey or search of great moral or spiritual significance. Typically, it is a journey to a shrine or other location of importance to a persons beliefs and faith. Many religions attach spiritual importance to particular places: the place of birth or death of founders or saints, or to the place of their calling or spiritual awakening, or of their connection visual or verbal with the divine, or to locations where miracles were performed or witnessed, or locations where a deity is said to live or be housed, or any site that is seen to have special spiritual powers. Such sites may be commemorated with shrines or temples that devotees are encouraged to visit for their own spiritual benefit: to be healed or have questions answered or to achieve some other spiritual benefit. A person who makes such a journey is called a pilgrim.) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

While many are with their families I on the other hand enjoined the company of my cousin's jack and lyn and my friend roxy and ping. We visited 14 churches across Camarines and Legazpi City. We kneel before the cross and pray and believe me i did it.

It was an awesome experience. Every time i enter the door of the church, It was like im near in heaven. and when i close my eyes and pray, it was like im talking to god. 

at st. dominique parish
in iriga city
Before that trip, my brother asked me if I am that confident in joining for he know that I don’t pray that much and the truth is going to many parishes makes me feel like boring and how much more with praying. For nine years since our parish was established I had been constantly invited in so many religious gatherings and pilgrimage activities but I refuse to make myself in. For I know that praying all the time isn’t my calling but although im not that devoted I can recite the holy rosary and the prayers within it and being with the total religious believers and doing the kneeling and praying is something that he is not certain if I can make it through the day. 

such a cool bus!
He told me to enjoy every company and remind me that kneeling all you can theme is a daunting tasks. On the day of the pilgrimage without a clearer purpose on joining my alarm clock wakes me up. I took a bath, put my clothes on and I heeded to church for the holy mass. Strange for it was Saturday my inner self told me but I am determined to join them. 

just like a child praying
A bus carried us to the first parish and I kneel for the first station. I don’t know what to pray when the leader told us to ask god for our prayer intentions. When I look on my side and back I saw them kneeling and eyes tight close. Then I told myself what is it that I wanted to have. I told him to clear my mind today and thank him for another morning with my family and that’s when I remembered mom. And so I pray to god to heal my mom for more than anybody else, I love my mom more than my life. And so until we reached the 14th station I offer my kneeling and praying for a clear mind and for mom healing. 

just like that...
just in case you cant tell from the pix
On that day, I feel happy for myself, because, although at the start i dont know the reason behind joining this thing but just in the right time in the middle of the day I have found a clearer purpose why i join the pilgrimage. And so after so many hours we reached the ninth station to the parish where fr. jovi now serve. We ate our lunch there and  freshen up. Funny it may seem I took more pictures from my droid here. I just miss fr. jovi's presence in our parish maybe. I noticed that most of the church we visited were newly constructed and/or renovated starting off from the beautiful landscape up to their walls and ceilings and the garden too... just like those in Rome.

holding on our breathe to reach the 14th station....its a good cardio exercise anyway.

me and fr. jovi ;)
i pray with him seriously
It was already 4:00 when we reached the fourteenth station. Legs tired for going down and up of the un-air-conditioned bus. We heeded to kawa-kawa hill for our final destination. It was an arduous trek I thought I will never make it to the statue of resurrection but because of the purpose I am holding on, for 50 minutes more I saw myself posing near the resurrected Christ 2000 ft above sea level.

they too are pilgrims.

you better wear slippers or rubber shoes in here
Kawa-Kawa Hill, which rises at an elevation of 2000++ meters, overlooking the peaceful little town of Ligao City in Albay, is an eco-tourist cum religious park established by the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Trinity.

Kawa-Kawa’s Stations of the Cross  is a series of representations depicting Christ’s sufferings from Condemnation to Death. The imposing sculptures serve as subjects of pilgrimage for faithful Catholics during the Season of Lent especially on Good Friday.

Dubbed “The Lung of Ligao”, Kawa-Kawa Natural Park is dead set to its no.1  rule — no smoking. As well as to a dozen more no-no’s for visitors which includes playing loud rock music and public display of affection.

i should have wake them up, 
but just like them i am bone tired.
i will not tell you everything i have experienced in that whole day privilege so that you will have the guts to challenge yourself to do the same. we may have experience different feelings or the same feelings but its yours story to tell.

as for me i am certain that some parts of my whole being was renewed on that day. but i cant promise myself to be like this forever in such a way that my spiritual beliefs will strengthen. at some point in my life i may not be that faithful at least in my own little way i strive hard to be one and for me that counts! 

i am grateful, i been here.
I wasn’t just a thrill-seekers going hiking and sightseeing in those religious places. We were there to discover ourselves more and to find a deeper, closer relationship with God. It was a true test of character. However difficult it may have been, I would definitely not trade it for anything. I got so much out of the experience—new friends, new realizations, and new stories to tell. I’m both proud and grateful I was part of it. 

salamat po. (photos here are all taken from my droid)
I consider it as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, i may never find the courage to join another pilgrimage or even join on any parish organizations in the future but this is something I can never ever forget and hoping for next year or in the years to come if i will get the chance or the  will to join again  i'll make sure that it will be with much clearer purpose at the very start and do all the things i've done here.  would i ever find the courage to join again? will i ever see myself to do the same.

oh wait....that's me choking judas!

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