Monday, April 16, 2012

goodbye doc!

Dr. Domingo Yu and Mayor Evelyn Yu on their 43rd wedding anniversary last January 06, 2011

I wonder if you still remember the very first day you meet me. I was five that time. Coughing, with high fever wearing the light blue Mickey Mouse jacket and a denim mom put me to dress. We’re not supposed to drop by in your clinic but the hours of waiting for my pediatrician to arrive my mom said I should be sleeping and relaxing by then. So we enter your clinic you had me check my temperature, put me to a weighing scale asked me to open my mouth. you told my mom something I never know what is it about and then later you get this syringe with a needle attached that’s when I cried to death because for quite sometimes im afraid of injection. Mom told me he’s also a best doctor. You told me it’s not gonna hurt me and with a blink you get your RX pad and my check-up done. That day you caused me another phobia. From then on every time I went to visit your clinic whether for a follow-up check up or just visits that needle phobia haunt me. As I grow older in no way I remember when that phobia vanished in me. I promise myself when I was 9 not to get fever again. My fear crept in every time mom is not home for a month and the era of im ok mom whenever I feel headache.

And then I graduated from college and change my life from a private individual to public servants I saw you not just being a doctor but of an adorable man with an old age. You love your family, you’re an advocate of truth and rights, you love to help and you love to read books. That faded free BP sign in your clinic speaks of the hour you have rested and read books but instead you take care of the unfortunate patients that knock on you. They christen you lolo doc and that’s what I called you. Sometimes I heard people lies about you being a doctor but that’s not what I saw in you.

Those acknowledgment certificates you asked me to print when the mayor is not around because she forbids you of. The kulit moments at Sofitel with mayor and cindy because youre not supposed to eat that much because even if you’re a doctor your doctor forbids you. Those birthdays and anniversary pictures im proud I shot. The happy memories you share with mayor and my colleagues. We will not forget those. Today at 14:00 we will send you home.

I may not have the chance to know you more but in my eyes you’re still the best doctor not because mom told me at five you are but because you are!. Rest in Peace Doc!

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