Thursday, January 1, 2015

ate joie visit me and lao (as in joie noga)

Kind words, heart leaping surprises, extraordinary conversation that makes your tummy hurts while laughing and you feel good, amazing life tips, a series of sincere, graceful, rich extreme conversation drawn from the oldest, secretes experiences that inspires me the most, honestly you can’t just have them just like that but I did with ate joie.
I never thought that she will come and visit me and lao and mom yesterday because Christmas is long over and I told mom that I guess she’s not coming anymore but she did and my heart leap and my face turns red super red and hot. I feel the sudden burst of emotions and I really can’t say anything seeing her setting in our dining table with all the gifts she have for us. When ate janet came in and of which I am used too she told me that she is with father choi and another priest. Since I am that busy preparing our food for New Year’s Eve I told her to please come in the door is open and I just have to wash my hands. I never look back of which I don’t know why I just proceed to the washroom. Washing off the dirt and knowing that it is father choi I have to keep my hands clean and put on lotions because it is impolite if I wont bless his hands. Ate janet then asked me when is ate joie going to visit us I told her it is surprise and I continue to wash my hands and dry them off then I move to the kitchen and that’s how shock I was and I scream!  I really love the way she laugh back at me that I almost die laughing too much! I love surprises and I told her about that and long ago I asked her when is she going to visit me and lao she told me that its all up to me. I did tell her she can come anytime she wants, our home is open up to twelve midnight and she can come by surprise and she said I see you then. Not knowing she will do it yesterday this surprise visit is the coolest and great ever and now I know how does ate joie surprise visit feels like. Demoralized and heart leaping but good thing she never captured that extraordinary moment!
I even instructed ate bunso in details all the things she has to prepare if ever were not home for the surprise visit from the brand of bread we will serve her up to the tissue and soda and she laugh when she reads it for it is still posted on the fridge door. Mom asked me to print her photos to have the idea how she looks like and I made this.
Although we’ve been friends for a year now yesterday was the very first time lao and mom met her and just like me lao first meet mariae her car long before she meet her for real but my brother sometimes says hi’s and hellos, often read all my viber messages for her, sometimes like her post on facebook using my account and was really used to her name. He knows ate joie by name but he got no idea how she looks like.
I have been praying for this friendship to grow more each day since I meet her for real and often wishes in the church during Sundays and lao often laugh too much about it that he and mom will love ate joie the way they love dudoi and I hope that if she will visit us one day she will love our home too and she told me she did!
The smile lao did could tell he love all the cakes she brought for us.
and we love too all the things inside this bag.
Today we went with her to Iriga to visit dudoi’s mom and dad of which we love dearly. I also asked her to pick us up at the mall. She drives carefully and now I know how it is like to ride with mariae. It was a great adventure I ever believed would happen today for she shares with us her true life experiences that I listen very carefully even though I didn’t behave like that but in my mind and in my heart I did listen and if she doesn’t stop I will tell her to stop because it was so heart and eye sniffing and a two hundred percent different of what I presume about her life. All I know is that she loves mama mary and she is far richer than anybody and I never ever thought about that and learning so I admire and love her more.
God heavens I think yesterday and today I have all the love in the world from a very dear friend who is so pure, wonderful, gorgeous and generous. Thank you Jesus for the blessings of an extended family, for letting me befriends with her and that I say thank you too I have the best New Year!

Thank you po for all the love ate joie. 
May you always live gorgeously!

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