Thursday, January 1, 2015

thank you jesus for the gift of family

Happy Birthday Jesus, We thank you for the gift of life and for the blessings of a happy family. we thank you too for everything you have given us the entire year. and we thank you too for being with us everyday. for helping us passed the trials and for keeping our faith in you.
 Mama Mary we thank you for shielding and protecting us from the storms and whirlwinds of life. we thank you for loving us unconditionally.
Saint Joseph we thank you for helping us build our home a happy one. we thank you for teaching us to work as you did, with patience and perseverance, for God and for those whom he has given us to support. For teaching us to see in our fellow workers the Christ who desires to be in them, that we may always be charitable and forbearing towards all. We thank you too for giving us enough food in our table throughout the year.
 we hope and pray that the love and respect we have for each other wont fade even a little. 
 may we always live with abundance.
may we always live happy.
 and may we always live healthy and wealthy!
I pray that mom, lao, me of course, everyone in my bloodline and all the people i love will continue to live a great life. may we always love and respect each other and may we have the best of everything in 2015.
happy new year from my family to yours!

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