Monday, July 6, 2009

Language ni Robot

Being an IT is not what I wanted to be. I wished that like you, reading my blog i am free, have choices and very happy. Last night while im about to turn off the lights in our study room my eyes were looking on the book that i somehow learned to love. I take a look at them again. Scan them once read a little. I don’t have any enthusiasm of bringing them to bed but my heart tell me i should give it another try. Four years of tri-mister in the university i endure every aspect of high level language programming. I have love it and sometimes though i fell like im gonna be insane for those brain twisting programs I somehow accept the reality that though my mind dont like the world of IT my heart is loving it. Those books to tell you honestly are very expensive and sometimes we bought them on-line. They came with an interactive CD so instead of holding the book we put them on the CD Room. Much of that are the tuition fees we have for were on the trimestral basis. Everyday on those four years of studying on the very cold airconditioned room, sometimes chilling of those codes we need to be coded in order to run the program i can say that this craft is to be love and not just to be like. Its apart different. But one thing is for sure i love computers.

It was mom who introduces me to IT. I was just turning 16 when i enter college and all i ever wanted is to be a soldier. I dont like complicated things. I dont take chances. I dont like everything about IT. But thanks to her for pushing me through. For threatening me of not going to school anymore if i dont finish this IT. She does everything to make me love IT. My father's family are even more supportive. They bring me to Microsoft. So what will i do of course i study hard every day. Give them an A+ and of course the university diploma they wanted me to have.

Computer programming is not easy but its fun and doing so is like youre on the bungee jumping. I just cant explain the feeling everytime i run the program. You got to know who is perl, pascal, java, ada but not me:) Probably the best way to start learning a programming language is by writing a program. One of the basic i have learned is to say HELLO WORLD in different languages but not the languages you used to know but in a high level computer languages. and so here they are i am giving you a collection of saying this two words with those languages:) you can try it at home:) and see how complicated IT world is.

C++/* my program in C++with more comments */
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Hello World! "; // prints Hello World! cout << "I'm a C++ program"; // prints I'm a C++ program return 0; }

while in PASCAL from the blaise hello world is written like this:
Program Hello (Input, Output);
Writeln ('Hello World!');

and this is for the JAVA not that of java indonesia. java seemed to be my favorite nowadays.
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Hello World!");

using PERL hello world is written like this. perl is beautiful too.but not the Tital Perl you know =))
print "Hello World";

then the ADA but not me =))
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Hello, world!");
end Hello;


not the tower! :)
make is
io.put_string("%N Hello, world!")
end -- make
end -- class HELLO_WORLD
DISPLAY "Hello, world!".

for SQL the sequel:
CREATE TABLE message (text char(15));
INSERT INTO message (text) VALUES ('Hello, world!');
SELECT text FROM message;
DROP TABLE message;

The codes are long but there are only two words they wanted to say to you and that is HELLO WORLD! See how complicated IT thing is =)) mom dont want my life to be that easy i can say hello world in my qwerty key but she wanted me to write them on the code see that :)