Wednesday, July 11, 2012

thats kool fever!

My immune system has gone crazy because I am suffering from high fever for two days now. My head hurts like thor hit it with his hammer. My eyes feel like popping out. I never got fever for the last ten years and never felt like this or I doesn’t remember how is it like to have fever. I used to take vitamin c that keeps me away from fever but yesterday wasn’t my lucky day it was raining mad and I forgot to have my umbrella I run a short distance to get home and I didn’t take a bath and so the result I got fever. Maybe this implies that I am somewhat normal. (^=^)

Every time I cough my head feels like it will burst in pain. I didn’t do anything but sleep. Mom told me to sleep. It’s such a boring theme. I don’t want to go to rest time but my inner me told me I have too. I feel like I am lazy today. My temperature sometimes goes to 39.7, then 38.4 back to 39.2. Maybe it is the price of abusing myself that much. Right now Im taking too many drugs for fever and I hate the taste of antibiotics but the doctor told me I have to be on antibiotics no matter how I complain not to give me one because it is killing me. I feel itchy. I cant stand my own smell, the doctor and my mom forbids me from taking a bath because im chilling. Good thing there is this kool fever I feel relieved every time I put them on my forehead.

As I wrote this I feel a little bit ok. Staying at home and sleeping all day is somewhat boring. But I get along with our new nanny and the neighborhood since they’re checking on me I feel so lucky they had me checked. they even give me ramen and porridge. I guess its enough. I will be better soon.