Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I want to live the rest of my life the best of my life.

For the last 28 years my life has never been that good and never been that bad. I have perfect flaws which tell me I am a full bloom human! I’ve done a lot of crazy things. I’ve committed a lot of mistakes. I’ve been to different places. I was loved and I loved in return. Things aren’t always the same day by day. I try to live the best I could. I lost my father when I was 25 but life moves on and I prefer to be happy. I got my very first job when I was merely 19. And I proved to myself that I can survive the days better than any other do and i believe that now i can defend my ground better. 

I had always been a positive thinker. I seldom say no. and even if you dont agree as for myself I know I was always a good kid. I fought my brother over the box of chocolates. I wear everything I feel like wearing even if it doesn’t fit me. I love watching cartoon network which has been the ultimate avenue to dissolve things stacked up in my mind and the k-pop helps me to learn asian languages. I am a 50% Ilocano, 25% tagalog  but the attitude I have made me a pure blooded bicolano.

For the last 28 years I have eaten the food I wanted for breakfast, dinner and brunch. Spaghetti has been my national anthem. I even cooked for myself the food I wanted and eat them even if it tastes awful. I was lucky to get a good education. Lucky to taste every specialty they got in town . Learn to speak English. Lucky to wear the shirt and the shoes I want. Lucky to have a lot of slippers and comfortable bed where i get the freedom when I want to sleep and leave the bed. I have hated and loved the Mondays and Fridays and weekends too. I have learned to deceive the alarm clock when it says 6:60 and its time to wake up. Countless shouting of mom its not yet time my alarm said its not 7:00 and its 6:60! There are too many episodes of drag me by the hair to get me up and the nth count of banging myself to the wall too. I just love sleeping. I have drink tons of vitamin c and paracetamol too. I have been robbed not just once but twice.

I have sung a lot of songs. I downloaded a lot from itunes. Watching movies have been my top priority. I lost count of my toy soldiers, knights, cowboys, pirates and tiny robots. I have learned to love my work and had professionally managed to master the art of cramming and  had successfully beat the endless episodes of deadlines. I have become aware of the outcome of irresponsibility too.

Wow! 28 years and counting! I want to thank god for giving me life and for mom for bringing me to the world. for my brother lao for loving me and mom. Likewise to all my relatives who are always there for me. For filling in the gaps I can’t afford for. For providing me everything I needed. For loving me unconditionally. And for all of you who kept on believing in me. For keeping me as a friend, for listening to all my stories. For scolding me that i had been too much.  For teaching me what I need to know and for molding me to become a better person.

Life has a lot to offer we just have to be positive and enjoy our every second on earth. we just have to be contented of what we have and work hard to get every little dream we want. and remember that no matter how tough the day was... we have to make it through! I didn’t usually ask god for much but I know for myself he is always there for me. For this year and the years to come I will make sure to live the rest of my life... the best of my life.