Sunday, March 31, 2013

that thing called bike!

yesterday my brother and i went to a 16KM bike ride..... it was fun! we started at 6:30am and finished at 8:00. it wasnt just a bike mode...we exerted too much effort for the bike to spin at 580ft! i thought it was that easy and we will end up relax but i was  wrong, i got muscle cramps and burned out! we dont have regular workout, we simply go biking whenever and wherever we feel like going. although we grow up riding a bike but on short distance and flat terrain only and top of it our weekends was never for cycling... it was designed for sleep... below was the route we took.  
just imagine how hard it is for the bike to spin!

geared and dress-up together with our ipod, we ride our bike to a route a lot of skinny biker often choose.  it was saturday and a lot of this bike rider overtook us. we waive hello for we know some of them. For me bikes are the coolest thing invented on earth! 

as we reached the highest peak, my brother said we should stop a lungs arent prepared for this. i laugh out loud hearing those things. i thought it was me who will surrender first, i didn't expect it for my brother. he used to ride bike back then. it was so much fun because it was like as if were flying on our way back home. the scenery was wonderful. we breathe fresh air and take a look of the mountains too. my skin sweaty, t-shirt wet and my hair gets combed by the breeze. 

i found out that biking is about seeing the world from a different perspective...this is our escape from the week long work in the government and boring business. the satisfaction that we get every time we've finished our trails is something we cant describe at. i cannot tell you the story why we have to do biking and all but i do know that like a good story, every good ride has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Rides always have a beginning and a ride without a good middle is like an Oreo filled with nothing but spit and dust. All riders know that the best way to ensure a good middle is to stop and enjoy a rest break. To take a moment to look back on what you've climbed and to look forward to what you'll travel, to assimilate your surroundings, to connect with the wilderness, to... Oh, hell, it's to sit around, eat, and talk about anything. It's about pitting yourself against yourself and winning; forgetting, for a while, the hassles of modern life. The only thing you have from moment to moment is the freedom to experience your own life and make your own decisions. It is a freedom you can lose at any moment, a fragile thing, but the central ingredient that makes any life enjoyable and satisfying. To be forced to do things takes the fun out of them. (just saying....nothing serious believe me!) and lastly this bike thing wont end soon...

Monday, March 25, 2013

bike and run!

this is our saturday get up! we are running buddies :)....up to 6km only....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

the graduates!

These days have passed by much too quickly, it’s almost impossible to believe that Lovely will be in high school the next time she step into a classroom…and Honey in college! Honey and Lovely got their diploma yesterday. Lovely graduated as class salutatorian and honey as first honorable mention. Our family was so proud for such achievement. What I really like most of this two is that they love each other so much. They go to school together and went home together. Honey is so soft spoken. Lovely is so charming. And you just can’t say no. They are both achiever especially in science, English and mathematics. Honey stayed at the Dominican School for almost 13 years starting from her nursery years until her high school graduation. Lovely opted to enroll at the premier high school in the city for her high school and honey will pursue her college in the university outside bicol.

These kids never ever experience to go to school without anything. How lucky this kids are for having a very supportive grand’s and aunts and big cousins. They are filled with love and support, emotionally and financially and I guess those are the things every kid needed.  They have a peaceful and beautiful mind. All they have to do is enjoy their school every day and the rest are what their parents concerns. My cousin gilda is a homemaker. She’s a power mom. She’s a loving, sweet and strict mother.  Although she’s an OFW before she choose to stay to take care of these little ones. Right now they are one of the big corn planters and rice traders. That’s where they get the money to pay for the tuition fees. Her husband helps to run his family business. Kuya Erdie is so kind.

So yesterday we celebrated another wonderful milestone of these kids lives. We gather all at the Dominican grounds. We take photos, listen to lovely speech, and watch them as they received their awards. 
Honey and lovely with Nanay Linda.
with tito lao
 with the big tita and lolo dodong :)
honey in blue is named maria carmelle and lovely in white is named paula bianca
with tito lao again
of course with me!
with angelie and precious
lao with his little girls :) 
at the school ground

I would like to express my gratitude for the wonderful opportunities that our little ones were exposed to. To all the staff and the management of Dominican School of Calabanga, especially to the entire faculty for giving this two kids, each, a piece of something to take into higher school. They are privileged to have attended this school.  Dominican School offers a Christ centered education – making each of their school days Christ centered and of that we have no doubt, as they make a relatively smooth transition into life beyond school, I am sure that the fine education that they received will stand them in good stead - time and again. And most importantly, we all say, thank you, to God for giving our little ones good health, beautiful and intelligent mind, and for achieving all things they've accomplished.

angelie and tito lao!
with our neighbors....
proud mom and tito!
congratulations ate gilda for such accomplishment! and for being committed to lovely and honey for their school and everything! 

with the school directress!
with class advisers
the medal....

Honey, as you face and tackle the inevitable changes, hold true to yourself. Remember to hold onto your value system, your moral values and most importantly, your humility. It is, these qualities that will guide you further, on your journey. wherever you may find yourself and whatever challenge you may have chosen to follow and explore - hold true to what shaped your yesterdays; acknowledge and appreciate what you are today and dare to be all that you can be tomorrow!

Congratulations Honey and Lovely we are very proud of you!
Lovely's classmates! 
our friend little bianca!

 this is ivan their younger brother whom we saw after the graduation ceremony...and when asked when he's field! 

kadena de amor

our lovely little girls on their kadena de amor gowns :)

this is jubelle and she is 11 ....
this is tonet and she is 12....
how lovely this three girls will be!
standing in the middle is our little juliene......she is 10. she plays flute :)
we recorded every important milestones in their life. and this kadena de amor thing is one of those! they're all pretty!

they've grown fast and beautiful!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

habemus papam

viva il papa! Jorge Mario Bergoglio 
White smoke rises from the chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel meaning that cardinals elected a new pope on the second day of their secret conclave on March 13, 2013 at the Vatican