Wednesday, July 31, 2013

that is so july!

the whole month has been pretty busy.

how do you do? i am pretty busy. busy over school project and modular class subject and everything plus a writing and photography workshop and GIS training awaits me next month. this month marks a new beginning. shifting schedules, beating deadlines, completing every requirements, doing chores, memorizing lines, loosing temper and retrieving it back that somehow i learned that you cant fix stupidity and sometimes i'd like to take a hammer and try. 

this month i traveled miles away. i have attended two training's and finished two modules at the same time. that's explain why i dont have any updates for the last three weeks. life at school isnt that hard what makes it hard is the time i have to spent traveling to get there, the inconvenience of the place we're staying and the food we are taking. i survived the days doing everything i could to make it through the day. i miss my family and my office table. the current phone bills will tell how much i miss mom. 

in those time that i want to go home and left the training school my classmates who are far older than me comforts me and make me laugh being with them makes me feel better that i participated well in every discussion and keep on asking my teacher until i learned them all. 

in those nights that i was supposed to go out with my friends but instead i spent the nights doing my school output so that i wont be left behind. as i have told you, my classmates are far older than me and ive known them to be at their very best. being with them makes me feel brighter and smarter. they didnt treat me as their ordinary classmates, we treat each other like family. with them i learned to move fast and wake up early.

as the training schedules meeting their ends i spend the days listening to im coming home coming home tell the world that im coming home by diddy dirty money. it has been my national anthem. i love that song!

funny it may seem that everyday we kept on complaining about the food were eating but still we kept on eating them and even saying thank you for the ones who prepared and served it. and in times that we dont really cant take it the world's most famous bee had always saved the day. what would we do without that gorgeous bee.

there so much i wanted to tell you but i am feeling asleep and i have to report to the office tomorrow and brief my chief of office with the output i have. 

the disorganized closet, shoes and dirty socks, the books and books everywhere, the kitchen sink, the milk and the oreo cookie, my mom's yelling at me, my annoying brother, the tantum ergo and the church bell, the smell of coffee tells me tonight i am home! so good to be back!