Friday, November 8, 2013

Coding makes me sick

When I was still in college programming was that pretty easy. I used to play with codes. I sleep with it and
coding was my life back then. I love c++, perl and java. I find it cool. And then after graduation I worked with dbase. I found it confusing and so mom told me I have to go back to school to learn all of it and then the rest is history.

Seven years ago I was ok with my life, I work with computers, servers and dbase and the talking. But then things do happen for a reason I went home and work for the government and my life flip horizontally. But even so I learned to adapt it and little did I know I was growing in my own little way. To make the story short, I wasn’t exposed with all the computer languages in my whole stint in this so called government life and this is the story.

I’m in my modular training in Bicol University for five days now. I came here last Sunday bringing all the things I needed. My class usually starts at 7:30 and ended as late as 22:30 in the evening. We are staying in the hotel enough for four people near the campus and we usually walk going there. My stay in this university will finally end tomorrow night but we have to submit some of the proposed revisions online when we get back to our office. It’s the storm that hinders us and we have to get home before it strikes the ground.

During our first day we tackle more of the .php language. I was eager to finish the whole slides so that I can have my program started, excited as that. It took the instructor two hours more to finish all the slides because not all of us there are php ninjas! And so we had our program started. Starting off from the favicons creations like that to the header and the slider side, all in one setting.

At first it was easy for me but the slider image took me half day to run and my head is killing me, I got fever and my throat aches. I can’t run it and I know the codes wasn’t right. I debug and consume more time and yet nothing happened, the slider wasn’t moving at all. I was shock; do I need forever to work for it? I really can’t run it when seven years ago I used to do it and I asked myself what is wrong with me? Am I this dull? Good thing when I asked my other ninjas how are they doing they told me that slider is getting in their nerves. And so we all continue to work and long did I try to run and debug my codes. Long did I waited to run it perfectly.  After four hours of working it finally work! I was able to run it but the clock says 12:30! I told myself I need to refresh my mind I need someone to talk to. I call up tita mi and we went out. I told her about my school life and she was laughing at me the whole night.

Working on the menus and widgets was that easy. I had my html and php reviews throughout the entire night and that makes me pretty normal. Then when we get back to school in the morning the instructor told us that they are checking our work, since I am already finish I had them check mine and they told me it was good.

I work more for the codes and security features of the site. Building website requires a lot of security codes. Although ASTI will be the one responsible for the server security, still we have to work more for our page security. But knowing so makes my life easy!. Later that afternoon we help our classmates who are not so php ninjas to become a real ninja! Because it’s a group effort and we have to submit and finish all the requirements so we can all go home for if not we have to stay. We work hard to finish all the tasks they wanted for us, they are so strict and they have a compliance board to check. They have our names posted and once done they are putting check on it. Late at night when all is bone tired and half dead we all got positive results. We don’t sleep really just to finish it all. It was really tough!

I have the best classmates in the world. For me they are all beautiful. We used to help each other and most of them are boys. It’s really a cliché that computers and IT stuff are meant for boys but I prove that wrong we females too are entitled to learn those things boys do and we can be best too.

It’s getting cold here now and raining mad outside. The storm is coming. I wish to go home but it’s not safe so I have to stay here. I am missing my mom and my brother for they are constantly calling me when i told them i got sick but staying here with my crazy classmates singing and running down the hall makes it worth staying more.

Truly it was the test of skills and how far are we going for the codes in this modular life. My government life wasn’t that serious and all. As I work for the codes makes me to reminisce all of my college life, missing my friends and the old warzone and all of the mechatronics life, thus realizing it was time for me to step up a bit but on the second thought I wish to stay more until I find what I am looking for and i think i am growing. Today I realized that working together makes the life worth living, no matter how tough, no matter how mad you are to the world just control and add more patience. It’s not bad to go with the flow.

Having our task completed at the school board make us all say that’s the power of cooperation and teamwork and believing in yourself you can and that’s it but most of all as the adage goes once a programmer is always a programmer. Thank you so much Bicol University for bringing back the best in me! And oh by the way, the sick thing has gone and all! i never knew i got sick :) Gudnyt!