Thursday, December 18, 2014

a day with mom

just like your mom, mine is as cool as ever. i love her very much and shes the best thing since peanut butter for me. i can tell her everything i wanted. i can ask her anything.  i grew up not knowing if she will be home on weekend and we can have our lunch together or she can tell me about peter pan and how the grinch stole christmas. she used to travel and work for the government. it was when i went to senior high school when my siblings and i get the chance to spend all the nights with her but even so she works so far away and never make it home at night, she loves me and lao and tarz. she makes sure i eat and drink and i did my assignment and all forms of praying. my mom and aboeji calls me vicoy and i love it when she does. 

mom is retiring in february 2015 and i love it very much for that means i will have her time in the whole wide world. for even so we shared the same office her department is too far away. for the past years we seldom eat lunch together. i havent got the chance to spend all my lunch with her and everytime i got the chance too it is always very quick. and i dont have most of my time too specially at night.

today i get the chance to spend the whole day with her. we stay at home. eat our breakfast and lunch and have dinner together. we watch cartoons and eat popcorns and we do a lot of selfie. she comb my hair. colored my nails and we talk everything. she is glad when i told her about my plans and she said that i can always count on her.

a day spent with mom feels like heaven. yes im too old to long for her everyday but i love it when she does. mom always check me at night and turn off my lights too. she used to check if my perfume smells is great for me or my shirt fits me. she doesnt want me to wear pants before but when she learned about my work she lets me and i love it when she paid for all my jeans. i so love you mom and thank you for all the love you have given me until now. but one thing is for sure mom just paid for all my tickets this summer and it will be fun for sure. thats the same as telling that santa is real!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

no subject....just writeshop and my adventures in gota!

Often times i asked myself am i really into me or was it the choice i made in life that made me decide to reschedule my scheduled training and proceed to the writeshop called by the environmental management bureau. my brother told me that going here would mean killing myself if i wont take the usual route since i am so afraid of riding the boat and of the sea. Its been two years since my tugawe cove adventure and as far as I remember it took me a week to be able to get back to the real me and top of it i am not into waste management and segregation is a big issue. I cant do proper waste disposal in my own room believe me I cant do that religiously. But its not only my decision why I decided to be here. My boss intentionally sends me and mike here since our swm plan was conditionally approved but he do promise me that he will follow on the last day and I didn’t question him about that. He knows pretty well how good my imagination is and I can write. he told me to ride the bus first with mike and take with me all the things i needed for a week long training. 

so i took the bus to get there and it took the bus six long hours to get there. how was that? but i dont feel like sharing it with you, figure it out yourself. as for me i did enjoy my ride going there. crowded bus and raining, cliff and sharp edge roads 300 feet above sea level and a lot of bus stop is all i can share. actually its not only the regular passenger in the bus that i enjoy traveling with, the organizer of the writeshop decided to take the bus ride too and some 35 other participants was with me in that crowded bus. we brought along with us some cookies and chips and water. i also brought with me skittles and a lot of m&ms. we all think we have the best gps but in reality no there's no perfect gps. we did used gps because the route is new and we dont know where are we on earth. funny side is even though we aint used to this kind of ride but listening to all the conversation of different tones and language really make my day. a lot of vendors too ride our bus. they sell water and eggs and chips and corns and popcorns! yes they do sell popcorns. have your bonnet too with you its quite cold and the wind is hurling like crazy and its foggy. we can touch the clouds literally outside the windows of our bus. some said that a piso coin more and we can go directly to heaven from there. you have to endure a lot of not so good stuff from travelling that long but all of your sacrifices and forms of waiting will fade once you see the wonders of nature and the hospitality of people reaching the place. and one more thing is you have to have with you a lot of cash too.
the cabana where i stay is far from here its on the far end side near the beach and i have to run from there to here to have better phone signals since the signal is limited to this place. but the place is quite beautiful although some of the cabanas needs more repair and maintenance by now but its still a beautiful place though.
the closer look of our cabana looks like this.
and the front door looks like this.i stay alone here but its quite cool :) breakfast is served at 6:30 and dinner is served at 7:00. 
inside is as cool as this :)
it has tv too but only 1 channel is available.
and neighborhood is as empty but pretty as this. its not summer so we hardly find foreigners in our stint but we get to see whites and blacks running and smiling back at us. 
the place is quite clean too.
lectures looks like this.
writeshop looks like this.
house rules is a strict as this and really they are very strict when it comes to gadgets.they know if we are using one. 
and sometimes we stay at the training center to finish all the writeshop assigned to us as late as 21:45 and there are a lot of fireflies and crickets and geckos chirping. times like this i do miss my original boss and i wish that she sees me from heaven and help me finish all this. i miss those times she text me and check on me how have i been or did i make it through the day.
and yet  after so many tries you cant  get all the zeros you are connecting for and leave you with the idea that not all days are equal and not all days are good. with so many ideas in your head and the ideas you get from all of your classmates during deliberations and discussions sometimes you are so tired of collecting them and put them into words. and oh i really hate doing math and conversion of percentage to zeros.
During those times when we are so busy and bombarded with so many whys and donts i tend to escape the training hall and get back to our cabana and work there. since lectures are given during day time we tend to work during night outside our cabana. we make sure to finish all the chapters assigned to us before we hit the 20:30 time or else we are going to explain the so many whys and why nots. as for me and mike we used to submit our output ahead of time. we make sure to finish everything because we love to roam around the place and take pictures too. and another thing is they have a lot of privileges  to choose from once you finish on time. soda is one of the treats and doritos too. and we are so afraid if our boss will see our names on the not so performing municipality that are posted on the front wall. events like this we arent used our real names its our office that we are representing for.  
i let my schoolmate barrow my extra pair of slippers since she doesnt have one only to find out that this is shorter than my 26 cm feet. i guess its mom (lol) good thing at the end of the day that pair of slippers did expand and fit my feet.
because we used to wake up as early as 5:15 am mike and i get to explore gota while walking. 
we even join the other hikers to visit the hamurawon and run on the sea shore.
it was really tough going through that trail. what i love most about this place is that no matter how well developed and modern it may seem the place is still in tact and well preserved. electricity is underground and inside pvc. the place is full of danger signs that tells all to be careful and watch out.
good thing mike and i didnt get to bring our camera and we make use of our phone for it was too scary and stiff and slippery too. 
we didnt have too many bruises we just have ten or more enough for you to read the letters they formed on my legs and arms because of the sharp stones and wild itchy leaves and too many little creatures we pass through.
it took us 40 minutes running and walking up and sliding down to finish the trail. it was fun hearing all the angst from the other first time old hikers who was just out of curiosity join us too. i cant count the times i heard them im so tired and i dont wanna feel like going but we all did.
i did ask the tour guide how long will it take to get there. they told me a little more and we are there. seeing all the sweats too all over their body i told myself its not only us who are tired this time. good thing we never had our breakfast for if we does i guess i cant walk any longer. i just enjoy all the walking and sliding and jumping pays not to drink too much liquor and beer and definitely no smoking! i told you beer is no good for me :) but soda is.
as i look at the monitor of my watch it tells me that my heart is beating so fast. maybe because of the adrenaline i gave climbing all those stones and trees.
and we hit the place. it was so nice that all our tired feet really wants to jump!
we did explore the area for more than 40 minutes. we run and walk and take pictures and do a lot of jumpshot. and sure mike can jump!
and i can jump too!
we opted to taste and smell nature.
and design my page cover too. i decided to used this for now. 
we never had our breakfast here but we enjoy the place more. have some rest and a lot of photo ops too. the place is so beautiful. the sand is cool too. this is where survivor crew used to stay while they are on shoot. those drums are one of the many props of the reality show.
 some of our classmates did swim while me and mike opted not too because we cant swim (lol) and thats the reality. 
mike really enjoy our stint
we ride the boat going back to the training center because we are running late for the writeshop.
and it was fun :)
reaching the place made me and mike realized that we never had picture of us together so we decided to take photo of our feet.
tito ed really make his promise to me that he will follow and sit with us on the last day of the writeshop and he did. he was so happy of all the accomplishments and output mike and i made for the last five days. he was so happy not seeing our names in the not so performing municipality and was so happy when the organizer told him that our output is one of the best and he get the stars for us.
Engr. Tidon is the OIC Regional Director of the EMB and one of our teacher. she is so good to me and to mike. she make sure that all of outputs are complete. she is so good in doing math and deviation.
we take some more photoshot and we prepare our things to go home. tito ed told me that we have to leave the place before sunset because the rain started to pour again and the ride back home is long. 
i love this place now.
 i texted my brother that im going home with tito ed and we are to take the same route coming here. but he told me that there's a shortcut if i will make use of my gps properly.
the last five days was pretty awesome and i dont have any regrets or whatsoever coming here and even if it means i have to double time catching up for my rescheduled training next week it wouldnt matter. whats important now is that i get to learn new things. i get to explore nature. i get to met new people. i get to share my ideas. i get to know the real big picture. i get to conquer all the fears i have and i know that one day if not someday i can do waste segregation religiously. and of course i get to visit and explore the gota village.
Engr. Tidon was laughing like crazy as i presented our writeshop additional output to her while we are waiting for the other participants to finish theirs. She said her tummy aches and was almost cry and died laughing with this idea.(dont worry i didnt submit this one. i just wanna make fun and we need more ideas how to get rid of plastic wrappers)
going home we take this route. and it was a bit scary for the road is too dark. some of the place doesnt have electricity yet. but the road we take are all concreted and i love to see where our taxes goes. 
the road leading home is long and narrow according to kuya dante. and he told me to have my seatbelt on and asked not to disturb him. 
i had a one good adventures in gota and i cant wait for summer to come.
thank you to the regional EMB for having us. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

I will stay positive and kind…so kind…very very kind no matter what.

Kindness is the single most important factor to success in my life. Building strong personal alliances, mending bruised spirits, and taking unfamiliar people by surprise are just a few of the benefits of kindness.

Kindness is one of the best ways I know to make lasting connections with people. I feel that nearly all of the friends I have in my life I have made through being kind. By being kind, people are drawn to me.(lol) I don’t have to pretend with them of who I am not. Full of jokes, less focus, total disturbance and a bit cruel sometimes. I make sure they see me and love me and trust me of whom I really am. When I am sad they cheer me and make me happy. They show the same kindness to me as I gave them. 

As the days and years goes on I developed an attitude not to hate anyone. And if I ever hurt someone I did say sorry and plead not to do it again. I always stay calm even if others really abuse my kindness. I don’t know I never hated more than an hour in my life. I was never good on shouting back. 

Many times in my life I have found that kindness can fix any problem one might have and being kind to others instills a positive feeling and makes this world a better place to live.

Being kind to your siblings helps to build a strong family foundation. Showing kindness to neighbors and colleagues help in developing a positive social environment. Even the small considerations and selfless acts of kindness may help in growing business in leaps and bounds. The language of kindness is comprehended by each and every living being. If you have been kind to someone by ignoring his small fault or simply said, never mind, take care next time, will always be remembered by that person. You never know! You might have hit the jackpot. As the most of the times selfless deeds result in the most favorable and flourishing deals of the life.

What goes around comes around. So, just be polite and kind in your behavior and the same will come back to you. Being kind to self is equally important as being kind to others. Don't be harsh to yourself and give space to the trivial mistakes in life. As we only learn by committing mistakes. Learn from the experience and move ahead in the positive direction.
October is a mixed month for me and it’s getting over soon but I love October and all the days with it. This month really test how kind hearted I am as a person. The numbers of not so good days fill in that make our everyday different from the other days. But it doesn’t matter to me. I am always good. I am always smiling. I am always ok.

So to start with what my October seems like, I’d like to share to you things I have endure and make me say I am doing my best.

The pain grows as my wisdom tooth grows in full. The dentist had to perform an immediate extraction of it and full them off me because I cant bear any pain and have a very low tolerance on it. I may have my wisdom tooth removed. Yes! I face the fear of injections and needles and caused me a lot of pain that I don’t know which part of my body is in pain. The blood that comes out of my mouth taste awful and my gums hurt like I've never experience before and made me cry like crazy panda and even if it means I have to stay still like a dog and rest and my life’s a bit dangerous and cut some of my finances for the continuous medications and gum checkup at least I have the money to pay for and I didn't kiss goodbye to my smile and as the pain vanished and as my gum heals I laugh with an alligator smile again.

I did have a lot of issue on software updates, reprogramming and backups and network matters to top it the helicopter in which I used as a spy and for our security often get into trouble at home. This October I cant count anymore how many times I was kinda pissed off and i lost a lot of patience too after dealing with a lot of soul eaters and psychic vampires but I often pray to god to bring back the patience in me and when I pray hard he really does help me find the me in me and bring me back to the real me.
The screen of my phone my mom gave me as a Christmas gift last year was broken. I was talking to a very dear friend when somebody pushed me and I dropped it and how uncontrollable things are for somebody step on it and make it that way. But that is really ok. After all nobody wants it that way. It doesn’t matter who broke it and what make it broken what matter is im trying to forget it and pretend and act as if nothing happens on it and at the back of my mind I am really ok. I did say sorry to mom for this. I told her im so sorry i broke it. Mom told me its alright you can always change phone.

My friend eric told me that staying cool despite of what happens and still going means i have a broad and great understanding on all things. 
Some people in the office really abuse our kindness most of the time but we never complain about that. we never complain about that. we just let them be for if we will say no to them then who would, after all we get to learn more and more each day and our patience grow more and more. we just work the whole day and happy the whole day.

I think I will invest more on patience and I do wish there’s a real bank that store patience as a deposit for I am willing to invest everyday.

It’s really hard for me to say bad words. I often ask myself how does those words tastes coming out of my mouth. I feel like something is hot in my tongue and I really don’t like it. 
I really work hard this October but even so I was really busy I am very happy too. Bad days do exist and thats pretty normal but even so i am still lucky for i made it through the day. All the bad days are considered part of history and i dont have to live with it they are much fitted in the garbage can. October gave me a lot of moments to treasure for. I get to see pam while im doing the photoshot and meet a lot of beautiful people from Bahaginan from all parts of the world. I received a lot of phonecalls and emails from my friends and relatives, I get to travel, learn and study for free, I get finish all my school requirements, ride the plane and bus safe, the happiness I gave my brother bringing home his play shoes is far than winning a gold in Olympics, the hug all my little nephews gave me each day erase all the worries I have with me, the laugh I shared with them while playing and eating spaghetti really digest things in my mind, to see a very dear friend whom I consider as one of the best thing since peanut butter for the very first time and laugh with her as we visit the people we dearly love and gave us a surprise visit back is far greater than anything in the world and I dont wanna ask for more.

The love mom and lao gave me and the laugh we shared while watching cartoons and eating chicken and popcorns are many of the best reasons why after all the many not so good things I am still ok and happy.

I have a lot of beautiful reasons to smile and to laugh as happy as I could. I wouldn't invite any grinch in me and haunt me and made me cruel. 
October taught me that not all things are created equal and not all days are the same as the other days. Some days are better while the other days are not that better. Maybe it has something to do with the way i rose up of my bed. Or maybe its the negative forces of nature i cant escape with. I have to endure a little more for me to live life the fullest. I have to stay focus and take with me patience most of the time and i do pray to stay this way. 

I will stay kind no matter what and i will always be...not tomorrow nor someday because someday isn't a day in the week. i will be today and forever.