Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

my wonderful extended family

this happens once in a year and we were lucky enough to have that special time.

so lucky to have spend this beautiful day with the love of my wonderful extended family and in each visit in this so called another home we found unconditional love. i so love you mommy isit, daddy ben, Lao and the gorgeous ate Joie!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

happy birthday jesus and merry christmas from my family to yours!

christmas means something different to every person and family and it is my favorite time of the year. it is in this day that we are the happiest and i think that all the love in worlds belongs to me. i just love christmas and christmas to me is everything. this time of year brings to mind those things in life that are most important. it reminds me to focus on all of the good things around us.
it is our family tradition to take some pose inside our house even when abojie and tars are still alive. christmas is a season of great joy, a time for remembering the past and hoping for the future.
we still do that tradition until now and every year we love doing it. the glory and beauty of this wonderful season is something we all can share together.
 i love christmas because this is only the time we stay inside our house the whole day doing nothing with mom and lao. we just watch tv and eat and drink. 
christmas is a wonderful time of the year when we celebrate faith, family, and the tradition of giving gifts and sending greeting cards. so we do some pose and print and send this photos later as our christmas card.
we always went to church and pray to jesus. we gave him praise and thanks for the blessings we have received.
we take time during the rush of the holidays to enjoy the things in life that really matter. we take in the serene moments spent with friends and loved ones, and the wonder of Christmas that surrounds our family throughout the holiday season.
the warmth and love surrounding christmas is a joy to be savored with my family and friends. It is a time to give and share with one another.
working in the government has brought me a lot of stress that sometimes I don’t now who I am. so I guess christmas is my medicines for there is nothing more magical than decorated trees, lights, presents, family and friends to brighten up my life.
this is the time of year to take a step back from the stresses of life and enjoy the little things. this is a joyous season to take a step back from our busy lives and enjoy time with our loved ones and what can be better than opening presents, eating food and singing christmas music?

i love christmas because as a child growing up i learned that this is the most magical time of year. 
we still believe in santa and there's nothing wrong with that. we wrote a letter to santa and told him to bring us everything we wanted for christmas, so hopefully he will answer and make all our dreams come true. and i hope santa brings us all the gifts and goodies we have been wanting.
 my brother and i have been pretty well and i know that all the santa's up there will be generous to both of us.
  being happy is the best gift we ever received throughout the year.
feliz navidad to all our loved ones here and abroad. we love you very much.

as you celebrate the glory of this miraculous season, may your home be filled with love, peace, and joy. may these blessings follow you throughout the new year. and I hope santa is good to you this year. wishing everyone a happy christmas from our family to yours!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

somewhere over the rainbow!

when you dont feel better because of the things you have in your head and suddenly you and your family decided to visit the sea for no reason and when you get there it rain and the rainbow appears. 

truly natures heals everything. thanks guys for joining us.