Thursday, September 14, 2017

happy birthday to me

my current status is too "bangag" for all the blessings i received. thank you jesus and ina for giving me everything i wished and for keeping me and my family healthy and safe. forgive me for the days i wasted doing nothing, for the chances i failed to take, and for the opportunities i missed because i was dang sleeping and its hard to stay still and focused. but i asked you to blessed me more and help me in the days ahead and please dont make me sick. life is a bit strange lately and bad days strikes too. but i learned that if i surround myself with people i want to be with, i will made it through and i did. to all my friends i thank you for being there or somewhere up there for me. annoying you when youre crazy busy is cool and thank you for being good and for being good to me. lets keep that way forever. thank you po for all the kind words, birthday wishes and happy greetings for me. god bless you too and i love love you.