Sunday, December 17, 2023

Siblings in Solitude: Navigating adulthood as orphans

Surviving as orphans, my brother and I faced a world that seemed indifferent to our struggles. With no parents to guide us, we became each other's anchors, navigating the tumultuous seas of life together. Our journey was marked by resilience, forging an unbreakable bond that transcended the hardships we encountered.

In the absence of parental figures, we assumed dual roles of caregiver and confidant. Everyday tasks became shared responsibilities, transforming mundane routines into opportunities for collaboration. From cooking makeshift meals to managing scarce resources, we learned to rely on one another's strengths, fostering a sense of interdependence that defined our survival.

Emotional support became our lifeline in a world that often felt isolating. Shared grief over the loss of our parents provided a unique understanding, a silent language that only siblings who have weathered similar storms could comprehend. During moments of despair, it was the comforting presence of my brother that anchored me, reminding me that I was not alone in the struggle.

Education, a beacon of hope, became our ticket to a better future. With limited resources, we embraced a relentless pursuit of knowledge, viewing education not merely as a means of escape but as a tool for empowerment. Late-night study sessions in our own illuminated rooms, as we fueled each other's aspirations, determined to break free from the shackles of our circumstances.

Life's inevitable complexities unfolded, and we grappled with the intricacies of personal identity and purpose. My brother, a constant companion on this existential journey, became a sounding board for introspection. Through discussions and debates, we navigated the nuances of our evolving selves, embracing change while remaining grounded in the shared history that shaped us.

Career endeavors brought both fulfillment and setbacks. The support we provided each other became a catalyst for professional growth. In moments of doubt, my brother's encouragement echoed the resilience that defined our past, propelling us forward with a shared determination to carve out meaningful paths in a world that often seemed indifferent.

Our journey was not without obstacles. Financial instability and societal prejudices cast shadows on our aspirations, but adversity only fueled our determination. We became adept problem-solvers, finding innovative ways to overcome obstacles. The shared dream of a brighter tomorrow served as a guiding star, steering us through the darkest nights.

In the absence of traditional family structures, our bond withstood the test of time, emerging as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Our story is not one of victimhood but of triumph over adversity, a narrative shaped by the strength derived from the sibling connection. Together, my brother and I proved that even in the absence of parental guidance, love, and shared purpose can pave the way for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

As we navigated the complexities of adolescence, our sibling dynamic evolved into a powerful partnership. We became each other's mentors, offering guidance through the turbulent waters of identity formation. Shared dreams and ambitions provided a roadmap for the future, propelling us forward with a shared sense of purpose.

Financial constraints necessitated resourcefulness, and we honed skills that extended beyond the academic realm. Side jobs, creative endeavors, and entrepreneurial pursuits became avenues for self-reliance. In the face of adversity, we discovered our untapped potential, transforming limitations into stepping stones toward a self-sufficient future.

The absence of parental figures forced us to create our own traditions and rituals, forging a unique family culture rooted in shared experiences and mutual understanding. Celebrations were modest but rich in meaning, reinforcing the idea that family is not solely defined by blood but by the bonds we choose to cultivate.

The external world often cast a judgmental gaze upon us, but within the walls of our shared resilience, we found strength. The stigma of being orphans fueled our determination to defy societal expectations. We embraced our narrative, recognizing that our past did not dictate our future. Our story became a testament to the capacity for growth and success, irrespective of the circumstances that initially defined us.

As we travel to this life called adulthood, the lessons learned through our collective struggle became guiding principles. Our shared journey had instilled in us qualities of empathy, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of human connection. We emerged not as victims of circumstance but as architects of our destiny, shaped by the adversities we confronted hand in hand.

In retrospect, the bond forged in the crucible of orphanhood was a source of strength, a sanctuary against the storms of life. My brother and I not only survived but thrived, proving that the love between siblings can be a potent force capable of overcoming the most formidable challenges. Together, as orphans, we wrote our own narrative—one of resilience, companionship, and the enduring triumph of the human spirit.

The transition to adulthood brought both challenges and opportunities, and our shared resilience continued to be our guiding force. Educational pursuits opened doors to new possibilities, and we leaned on each other to navigate the complexities of career choices. Our shared commitment to self-improvement propelled us forward, ensuring that the sacrifices made in our early years laid the foundation for a brighter future.

Building a support network beyond our sibling bond became essential. Friends who understood the intricacies of our journey became an extension of our makeshift family, enriching our lives with diverse perspectives and shared camaraderie. In cultivating these relationships, we discovered the significance of chosen family, a concept that expanded our understanding of kinship beyond biological ties.

The pursuit of independence led us to forge our paths, each contributing unique strengths to the collective journey. As we encountered setbacks, the unwavering support of my brother served as a constant anchor, a reminder that we were not alone in facing life's uncertainties. Our individual successes became collective victories, reinforcing the idea that our bond was an invaluable source of strength.

In the pursuit of dreams and aspirations, our shared journey taught us the importance of giving back. Despite our own struggles, we found fulfillment in supporting others facing similar challenges. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, became a way to honor the resilience that had defined our own lives, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

The specter of our orphaned status occasionally cast shadows on significant life milestones. Yet, rather than succumbing to the weight of loss, we transformed those shadows into reflections, reminders of the courage and tenacity required to thrive against adversity. Our shared journey became a source of inspiration, driving us to redefine success on our terms.

In the tapestry of our lives, community engagement became a priority. The lessons learned from our struggles compelled us to contribute to the well-being of others facing similar challenges. Volunteer work and advocacy became outlets for expressing gratitude for the support we had received, reinforcing the idea that our shared resilience was a gift meant to be shared.

As we ventured further into adulthood, our collective resilience was tested in unforeseen ways. The pursuit of individual goals sometimes led us down divergent paths, challenging the cohesion of our sibling bond. Yet, even in moments of discord, the foundation we had built through shared struggles proved unshakeable.

As we embraced the responsibilities of adulthood, the bond with my brother evolved into a source of enduring strength. Our shared past, marked by loss and triumph, became the cornerstone of our identity. Through the ebb and flow of life, we stood side by side, a testament to the enduring power of familial connection and the capacity to not only survive but thrive, even in the face of profound loss.

Monday, June 27, 2022

i made it again! repeat!

Thank you Jesus for giving me a very kind life. Thank you all for the prayers, hugs, love, kindness, friendship, encouragement, support so that I can concentrate on my academic work. 

Grad School is pretty hard but i am grateful to all my professors and the favorite dean for the assistance, considerations, reccommendations, boundless patience, insightful comments, for teaching me things i badly needed to learn and for making things bearable for me. I wish you all the energy and good health so that you will able to help more students.  

thank you and i love you lao! your nagging, hugs, driving skills when it's too late and i forgot to tell you i have to be in school before 7:30 before pandemic, waking me up when it's about to google meet already this pandemic, choosing my shoes and dresses when i have to meet doc for the thesis checking, for practicing me the way i deliver words when i have to report, for drinking all the liquor i cant take after 3 shots, the kind environment at home, your never ending prayers for me every defense and for always rooting for me are the best deals why we got this šŸ’Ŗ! Congratulations to you brother!

I am forever grateful to my adviser Dr. Rabacal and to my teammate sir rowell and sir ian for the friendship and everything. 

Kay Lao na favorite mag pa SANTIGWAR, sa mga big brothers ko at ki nene, ate liza na para SANTIGWAR ko din, sa mga lolo padi ko, sa glam team ko, and to all kazens na maraming-marami thank you for the kind environment at home, for believing in my work from the beginning and for sacrificing much to help me got this. 

Thank you all for rooting for me!
I love you talaga mga bes! 

MARIBETH AUSTRIA PONCE (sa pag sulat sa logbook gamitin ang tunay na pangalan ng kapitbahay)
Dean's List for Outstanding Academic Performance
Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management
Class of 2022

Friday, May 14, 2021

way to go self!


Each experience in your life was absolutely necessary in order to have gotten you to the next place, and the next, up until this very moment šŸ’Ŗ✌️❣️ i love you self.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

kaya yan self!

 you are strong and can deal with anything that life throws at you. take a deep breath and be filled with the knowledge that you can deal with all things šŸ˜œ

Monday, March 15, 2021

One Year Up There

It's been a year without you physically in our lives, but the love you have given us has been the strength through it all. 

Mama, I know that you are doing pretty well up there. Well, as what you have always hope lao and I are good. We're good.  We never missed church, but I never sit in our favorite chair anymore. The kids you loved have grown really fast that they love all the mixes you have warned me about.

In your first three months up there I have done a lot of inhaling and exhaling and crying until I was exhausted and when I wake up it was time to go to work again.

I commend all the people you love for letting me be sad for a while. For not cheering me, for not letting me look on the brighter side and for not giving me advice. I know it was awkward that they just stay there and hang out with me while I am in terrible pain. They allowed me to grieve and to cry as much as I wanted.

We always have milk and eggs and bread and cheese and peanut butter for breakfast but dinner is seldom served. You know that we always survive as long as we have the milk right. There were weeks that passed, we didn’t light the stove or even cooked rice.  

A lot of times we went to the supermarket just to buy a waste basket and a trash plastic bag and we bought a lot of things we believed we needed but headed home without the waste basket nor the trash bag.  

Wanting and missing you is the hardest thing to bear, but we keep ourselves busy and our house is indeed clean. We followed a strict schedule of who will clean the bathroom and the bowl, but I never promised to wash the dishes all the time. I just can’t do that. 

Though I have done a lot of adulting lately the kid in me never get off me. Still, I eat vegetables once every eight days because it will crawl in my stomach and give me fever and really the patola and those ampalaya, kalabasa and okra are the hardest to chew. I know pretty well that the milk and yogurt must be chilled but often I have the milk and the yogurt frozen mama.

You are always in my heart. I will never stop loving you even if you are too far away from me.  I know that you always see me from there and I am waving back from here. Forgive me for missing and wanting you this much. I don't know if the wound of losing a mother is ever healed but the pain does get more bearable over time. So for now until we are completely healed, we will always value what we have, work for what we want and face the impending moments and trials with a courageous heart and mind. Love you La’de! Thank you for all the love you have given us while we were growing up and for making it sure that we will make it through life.