Monday, December 31, 2007

new year na!

New Year is the gateway between the years old and new. As the year 2008 wrings in, unequivocally, let us wring out the bad, negative, destructive, unproductive, selfish ways and habits that, for decades, have continuously pulled us down.

We are the master of our thought!

In complete control of what we feed our minds. Start the year right by saturating our minds with good, positive, constructive, selfless thoughts. Such persistent, consistently thought patterns – interfused with unshakable faith, heavily laced with dogged perseverance and hard work – surely will pave new paths, open new avenues, and endless possibilities…to better our lives and those our fellow life travelers in the year ahead.

A peaceful, super-abundant 2008 to all of us.!

Makasuyaon man may countdown dyan sa ibaba tapos ako yaon digdi sa taas ta kadakul trabaho.

1 comment:

gypsy soul said...

i like this woody pic..hehe..