Tuesday, August 30, 2011

MDRRMC Simultaneous Drill (^=^)

It was an ordinary day for the people in punta tarawal. Some are cleaning the house, children are playing, some men are off to the shore to check their boats, and some are fixing their fish nets. I thought I will see people going to and from carrying their things for they know for a fact that on that day there was an MDRRMC simultaneous drill. That’s what’s in my head for that was the scenario I used to see every time I am asked to document a drill. But I was wrong. It was placid. The only difference is that everybody was wearing tops printed with simultaneous drill.

It was 7:00 in the morning, my task wasn’t really to document the drill, I was assigned to be a drill controller but it wasn’t me without the slash and I love slashes. Aboard on a large boat with ate olive, riz, jing, a couple of drill observers and men from media we went there full of fear because it wasn’t an ordinary day there was a real storm and the waves are so big enough to frighten us but we were on our life vests that somehow assured our safety.

As we landed on punta tarawal we oriented our drill observers with the scenario’s that they will be witnessing. We also looked for our actress to act handicapped during the drill and for a two mothers who will fight for their space at the evacuation center. We asked for assistance to distribute the stickers to the BDRRMC committees and place the tarpaulin. Ate jing went on for photo ops while the two reporters started their camera and do some interview.

Moments later and we saw the BDRRMC chair and his men hurrying to the session hall. It  is so easy for him to call up for an emergency meeting because their place is a small island and there’s no need for you to used megaphone for you will be heard right there. They were carrying a handheld radio and gave some instructions. It was a call from the MDRRMC communication team. They were busy exchanging details. Aware of the scenario and as what was we heard there was a strong typhoon coming and they were advised to prepare for a mass evacuation. The BDRRMC chair then informed the EWS Committee to give the warning signals. That signifies that the drill is on.

People rushed to the shorelines carrying everything they needed for the evacuation center. From bottled water, bags full of clothes, kitchen utensils, pale of water, I saw someone carrying mats and pillows, floaters for safety measures, I even saw our actress and she acts really good. She already has the bandage on her left leg. She was being carried by the members of health committee. What really inspired me is that there wasn’t a panic. People are calm. The BDRRMC committees are alert and really know what to do. They moved systematically. Men and strong people paved their way in favor of the vulnerable ones. They get their small children first, the pregnant woman who happened to be really weak, the elderly, there was never a panic. In the span of 10 minutes they are all aboard the boat and ready, they vacated punta tarawal with proper coordination from the MDRRMC. Discipline is what I saw. Unity was instilled in their mind whatever political parties you are in. Politics was disregarded. Everybody’s safety is the major concern. 

Seven boats carried the evacuees to the wharf of barangay balongay. They waited long to be transported to their designated evacuation center. Communication Team was constantly connecting with the MDRRMC. They are advised to wait for awhile since all trucks has been deployed to other barangays who needs to be transported to their evacuation center too. And there I saw our actress again continuously acting great. (We should reward her for being such a great actress.) As they saw their transportation, the BDRRMC chair told everybody that they are to be brought to Union Elementary School since that was their designated EC. And here we go conniving with the MDRRMC truck driver to deliver them to Union High School not to Union Elementary School. Devil me I know! But that’s what’s written in our drill scenario. Let’s see what the BDRRMC will do…

And as what I saw in the shoreline, still vulnerable first before the strong ones. Their evacuation site is approximately 5km from balongay. Distance is not a big deal if you feel like surviving according to the lady beside me at the wharf. Since there were 170 more evacuees the two pick-up truck must comeback. The driver told me that while they were leading to Union elementary school he intentionally deliver them to union High School as what I have told them but the BDRRMC Committee and the evacuees on the truck reacted that this is not their evacuation site and they should be delivered at Union elementary school their designated evacuation center.

At the evacuation center the evacuees headed in their designated evacuation rooms. The evacuation committee required them to register and signed on the masterlist. As what I observed each zones already know their room assignment. They were all informed of their contingency plan.

Zone 1@ Room 35 with ______evacuees (I hate numbers!)
Zone 2 @ Room 36 with _____evacuees (I will leave this to ate olive)
Zone 3 @ Room 37 with _____ evacuees

They are all quiet and still. Children are not playing but instead praying for their safety they are just sitting while waiting for the other evacuees to arrive. The Evacuation committee was all approachable. They even give lecture to the children. Evacuees are accounted and are properly taking cared of. A boy who was suffering from a headache was provided with medicines and was advised to rest. I heard the MDRRMC ambulance and we were advised that our actress and the pregnant woman were brought to the MDRRMC medical team. There, proper medications and real check up was provided. Moments later we saw the other evacuees approaching the evacuation site at 11:00 AM all evacuees from punta tarawal were already safe and secured. Exchange in communication from the MDRRMC to BDRRMC was continuously going on. Member of the MDRRMC came and asked for the total number of evacuees. The evacuation committee provided him with the most accurate data. It was the very first time I saw an accurate data of evacuees. Everyone is accounted. Everybody was accommodated. There’s no reason for the last scenario to be implemented. How are you supposed to ruin the drill when it is properly done and everybody is doing their job religiously. But at least at the beginning we contracted two mothers to do it.

The MDRRMC Medical Team arrived to check if there were evacuees who need medical attentions. The boy who was suffering from headache was re-checked. There was no other untoward incident that took place.

The relief goods came at exactly 12 in the afternoon just in time for our hungry evacuees. There was no commotion observed each waited for their turn to get their share. It was plain rice and yummy pork adobo. The supply committee informed them that there was enough food for everybody and if they feel like getting an extra rice just inform them.

MDRRMC chairman Evelyn Yu came in and congratulates the BDRRMC for a job well done.

When everybody was full and rested we gathered all the BDRRMC for our drill assessment.

It started off with congratulating everybody for a job well done.

Compared to the last drill it was more organized. Moves are systematic. Faster, concise, properly done, with proper coordination, more alert and discipline was there! It was perfect!

Unity was instilled in the mind of people whatever political party you are in.
Committed and everybody’s safety is their major concern.
They need to have a permanent evacuation center exclusively for punta tarawal only.

They even complained that during the drill the truck driver deliver them to union high school which is not their designated EC. They even told me that the MDRRMC must orient their truck driver on our designated EC.

That’s where I interrupted and explained to them that what had happen was part of the drill scenario. It was only a mockery. It was done intentionally and the MDRRMC truck driver was hesitant and got no choice but to follow the scenario and congratulated them for being so active and vigilant. That is only to prove of how their awareness that in times of emergency presence of mind is always there. Their contingency plan is very comprehensive and well disseminated. I told them that what I saw was unity of people in the barangay, they have a very functional leader, responsible committee members. And a Very cooperative people that make this drill a success.

From the BDRRMC chair:
They are well versed on what to do on the drill and even scenarios between life and death. He make used of the word adjustable. Do everything you can to strengthen or broaden your resources. What makes them that vigilant is that because of the trainings they have during ACCORD days. He is very thankful for that experiences that makes his barangay and his people to develop a positive response to disaster.

He wanted to have his barangay its own exclusive service boat and asked for ASCEND if they could provide one because what if the disaster happens and his fishing boats are out for fishing. Three of his fishing boats had become the primary transportation in their barangay since he was elected to lead them.

Each committee members are well informed on what to do and had religiously memorized their tasks in times of disaster.

They also asked for a megaphone from the MDRRMC.

 A separate room for the sick, especially for the contagious and communicable one. Ate olive informed them that they need to include them on their contingency plan.

Medical Team:
They asked for medical supplies and kit necessary during emergency.

From the Observer:
70% of your BDRRMC Fund can be utilized to buy the medicines and other tools necessary during emergency.

Evacuees should at least bring their own food and more water during emergency.

The MDRRMC announced that the typhoon is now out of PAR and it is safe to go home. Evacuees clean up their respective EC and prepare themselves to go home. Transportation was provided by the MDRRMC and brought the evacuees back to balongay wharf. It was 14:00 we waited until all of them get in the truck and that’s how the drill ended.

It was time for us to go back to the office and have our lunch. It was worth it. Thanks for another experience. It was nice working with you guys! Congratulations! Guess I am now ready to be transferred in punta tarawal…how was that!

oh wait i havent key in the moments of the MDRRMC....i will put them into photos....

Put yourself in the heart of evacuees. You went off your place to be safe during emergency and when you get to the evacuation center in which you are assigned in you see broken windows and it was raining mad outside the wind is strong and there’s no other space on the EC but on the front of that broken window. How would you feel? Maybe the MDRRMC or the school itself must do something for a complete repair of the school building if it is to be used during emergency. Several windows are broken. Including that near the stairs in which you will pass through before you get to the room. The evacuees will be wet for sure. There’s no sign if the water is potable. Maybe they should place the older evacuees on the first floor because considering their age it is too tiresome if their designated room is on the second floor.  They must provide portalets too.

Lifevest is necessary because most of the evacuees are small children, less they know how to swim!

And one more thing….I thank you for letting my brother feel what it is like to be an evacuee. Hahahha!

It was nice working with riz and ate olive and toate grace…and to you big boss sha…you already!

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