Wednesday, November 28, 2012

masama bang ma miss ka?

nahirapan akong hanapin ito sa lahat ng hard disk kong bakit ba kasi sinda pa uso ang USB noong unang panahon. at alam kong alam mo na sa lahat ng friend ko ikaw ang aking pinaka favorite. at kong bakit ba kasi sa dinami dami ng deadline ko ngayon ay bigla lang kitang naalala at nami miss na kita at demoralized ako dahil na mimiss na kita. (dahil sa isang scene sa tv at kakapanood ng tv adik kasi) at saka bakit masama bang ma miss ka? mag ingat ka na nga lang parati. nga pala ate elay di ako natatakot na i pa block mo for life sa google dahil sa pag post nito. 

walang pageedit na naganap dito
ito yong pinaka unang picture talaga na dapat ay ilalagay ko sa front pero mas nahirapan akong mag retrieve nito dahil sa pagkakaalam ko o kong natatandaan ko pa at di ako nagkakamali 10 years na ito sa mga hard disk. i spent the whole night looking for this and before i hit another day luckily  i found it and today is exactly 10 years after i received this in my email. i still have that email posted below. this reminds me of my teenage life the very first time we ever had internet connection at home with a tube monitor on a 256kbps internet speed  with 40G harddisk and the only way to save file is by a floppy disk. (imagine how jurassic and how slow the internet was).

My point here is that no matter how far we are, no matter how many years, no matter how mad you are remember that I am always here for you. As I have said it you’re my favorite and will always be. I will always treasure the kindness and the sisterly love you gave me and my brother. Idol ka namin kasi. Akala mo lang na nakakalimutan kita pero akala mo lang yon dahil ako akala ko lang din.

see that email

You taught me not to cry over spilled milk and to be brave to stand alone, defend my ground , believe in my capacity, to be wise and smart. and more life lesson i dont need to specify that i have learned from you that i will treasure the rest of my life. Although I didn’t exactly made it to Harvard for some unfavorable circumstances I never failed to dream that one day I can make it there. I wish you forever happiness and hoping that one day we will meet again even in the middle of know where even if it takes forever. I will always be forever grateful for being friends with you. My brother said hi and together we said love you for the next ten years ! smile and be safe!

p.s makulit at mabait pa din ako after 10 years!

Monday, November 19, 2012

killua is off to school!

i am off to school.
stuff all packed. battery, cellphone, laptop, mastercard and androids too. i am off to my fourth module. no matter how hard the school days are i am determined to finish this course! i see you before christmas! keep safe! 

its 35 days before christmas!

it's christmas at home

kuya borjack do the decoration
lao funny christmas face!
mom sitting on the chair
its just me! ahahha
me beside the christmas tree!
me again!

me and mom

Sunday, November 4, 2012

this is how we celebrate undas 2012

undas is a filipino term for all souls day. a day to remember our love ones who were already passed away. 

i dont know where this tradition started and the belief that the souls of a dead person return each year to visit their living relative to eat, drink and be merry . as for me going to cemetery  has been part of my family tradition. every November each year since i was a kid we used to go to cemetery to visit my younger brother and other relatives who have departed. we usually bring colorful scented candles and fresh flowers and choclates and foods that our love ones favorite when they are still alive. Mom used to tell me that its not only the dead people we are being remembered but also the good memories that they shared with us. We enjoyed this occasion because its also the time when our families spend time together and reminiscing the events which we enjoyed the most. a sort of simple little family reunion exist every november 1. 

for the past three years it wasnt only for my younger brother that we're in the cemetery but also for my big sister and papa. and i guess everybody will agree to me that loosing your father and your big sister on the very same year was the saddest part of ones life. Letting go is very hard but time and prayer and strong personality and making yourself busy really heals and its not hard to bear anymore after all we are all going. so instead of crying and getting lonely for the past three years me and my brother used to decorate papa's grave site with this:

and for my big sister with this :) 

we really prefer pink candles and blue candles for both of them. its their favorite color. but dont ask me who do the flower arrangement and all im not a florist.

two fatherless kids open for adoption! hahaha

who would have thought that they will go on the same year living me and my younger brother fatherless and my mom a widow? 

sinong ampon sating tatlo?

but no matter how hard it is to live without a father we try to live on our own and no matter how tough the day was we sure to make it through! that's tough! 

thank you to all my relatives and friends for offering my father and sister and little brother a prayer , flowers and candles. Until the next undas!