Monday, December 31, 2012

thank you 2012!

someone close to my heart told me that the last day of the year gives us the chance to reflect on the year that was. to be grateful for the goodness it brought and to be mindful of the lessons learned from the heartbreaks experiences. It also gives us the chance to dust off the gripes, frustrations, anger, and sorrow in order to make room for new hopes and all the good vibes. this is really good and made me reflect a few moments after receiving this via sms. had i really been that good to the person who send this to me? i really doubt for i know that i was never :)

i dont have plans of updating this blog from this very hour. because i feel lazy today. and everybody seems busy doing everything they want. but let us see how far this so called reflection go....

a few more hours from now we will all waived goodbye to 2012. as for me my 2012 has been a roller-coaster ride. beating all the deadlines, racing against the elevator to make it on time, being busy all day, traffic jams, not sleeping on time or you just cannot find the word sleep, the agony of waking up in the morning. waiting for your next salary is such a torture because you dont know the word budgeting, but no matter how hard it brought us and no matter how happy we've been still we need to say thank you to this year.

what have we got this 2012? 

2012 gives me and my family a new perspective. finally getting over from the sad days and nights that gives door to the so called crying, 2012 indeed give us hope and indeed make us change. we make sure to take each day on their lighter sides. and so this is our family and mine as well 2012...

No episode of hospital confinement.  that was great! I thank god for giving me, mom and lao good health. Although we have some minor health concerns during the second quarter but nothing major health illnesses this year. Lao is   brace free while i do more walking and running and biking. Exercise such as biking and walking help us to be  more physically fit and so much contributions to this was the introduction of green leafy vegetables on the table during weekend and every other day and strict dieting too. We are now less fat and brown sugar and brown rice eating people. although were not used to it now were getting used too :)

We are Debt Free. I never thought that we will wake up one day free of debt. When my sister and father died on the same year we accumulated more hospital bills above our earning capacity for their confinement and burial that I never thought we could ever paid for it in less than three years. And I thank god too for the blessings he had showered us this year. We were debt free since the second quarter. Much more to is that I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the people who have helped us settle such ample amount.

We have been robbed not just twice but thrice! remember what i wrote sometimes in february that our two unit laptop had vanished inside our home not to mention all those RC toys and robots and soldiers and slippers and cellphones that all was stolen in the safest part of our home and to think that today is the very last day of the year in an unexpected day and time we did again.... before i wrote this blog my brother came home after going to the city without wearing a helmet. his new purchased helmet with ICC and all was stolen from him  outside the hotel where he and his friends had dinner. and he told me how bad and mad he was because that means we need to spend another bucks to purchase a new one. how was that..... but as i said we have to take things on lighter side my brother said we can buy a new helment with ICC right?

We reached 6 digits and more! Combining all our salaries for the month give us six digits and more. A lot of help to that is my father’s social security benefits and some hardworking and a lot of sacrificing (^=^) I learned that it’s hard to earn a living. Im aware of that!

Home Makeover! We’ve done a lot of improvements in our house starting off with the roof and doors too! and a lot of painting thing!

New Nana! On the second quarter of June when all our debts are nearly to their end we decided to hire a new nana for mom. Her name is rose.

More Church Contributions and charitable Deeds: my father taught us to be charitable all times that’s why we keep on going to charity. We have been constantly giving foods and clothes to charities across the region and since this year has been a better year we make sure that every sunday we offer some generous amount to the church.

we had always been positive throughout the year.
I did smile and laugh a lot.
we stay focused!

we have traveled a lot this 2012. in our own expense and for free too.
we had purchased new cellphones and ipads and tablet too. 

it take courage to say i love you to yourself right? we did say more i love you to our selves this 2012!

This sum up our 2012! It will be much wiser, happier, tougher, prettier, lighter and lovelier 2013!

from my family to yours, we wish you a happy new year :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Definition 2012

Christmas is with kelsey!

Christmas is wearing orange!

christmas is gift giving.

Christmas is believing that santa clause is real :)

christmas is doing what ever you want

christmas is spending time with your son

christmas is more of cousins time

christmas is having fun!

christmas is going to your ninang!

christmas is chatting with your mom

 christmas is the best day of the year and it is priceless.

christmas is going around the neighborhood. 

christmas is having a new hair cut!

 christmas is opening gifts! 

christmas is picture taking

 christmas is being a kid!

christmas is wearing new outfit.

christmas is having a lots of new toys

christmas is decorating you own corner

christmas is having three christmas tree

christmas is having a lot of kids

christmas is waking up in the middle of the night

christmas is spending more time with mom

 christmas is gift wrapping and gift giving

christmas is receiving gifts too!

christmas is eating!

christmas is wearing red!

christmas is the doorway to happiness, family togetherness and special memories.

and lastly christmas is when you left home wearing like this.....

and returning home wearing like this...

and christmas is being together and coming home again


Sunday, December 2, 2012

it's time to start living in the present

Letting go of the past is not easy, especially if you have wounds that have never properly healed. But, the past is past and living there may be preventing you from fully experiencing the present. Likewise fear of what may be looming around the corner can also prevent you from fully enjoying the present. Live in the moment and look forward to eternity with God, now that's a great present.

i have to live so i can find me. i think i am lost. its more of me time. me time and alone. i dont know if i will ever get myself back. and spending this much will ever give me happiness! and that great present someone had told me come into reality. i miss somebody, i greatly miss papa. i heavenly miss my sister. i miss them. i dont know how on earth i have to endure the sufferings this long. will i ever find the courage to make me whole again?

until next time.

oh be prepare i might drop by! 
ok lang ako adik kasi! para umaarte lang! wala bang karapatan?