Thursday, June 20, 2013

achieving aboeji's dream (^=^)

After the chaotic stage of home life my family has gone through for the past two months at last were finally getting closer to everything. Starting off from the roof, the ceiling, repainting, the lights and everything, we worked hard to finish every angle of our house. Spend some penny we have saved in the bank and the coins inside our hidden wallet are also getting smaller. Truly it takes a lot of bags of money to build a house and mom said we’re aint gonna hire household help for the next fifty-five months. But even so at last we are now living in our house my late aboeji ever dreamed of. It is small but the three of us can walk, turn around and jump freely. 
Back when we were kids we used to stay in the very big and long house my aboeji’s boss let us used until we were growing up. But then there are some unpredictable circumstances only grown ups know that make us leave that big and long house and move out to where we are right now. Somehow aboeji’s boss is kind enough to provide for us some materials so that we can have a house not that long and big but with three unit bedrooms.
Life then isn’t that hard at all. Nor it was boring. We were ok. We were good. We were loved. We had enough of everything. And we’re eating pretty well (our tummy could tell). Soon we all go to school and mom on her graduate school too. Then aboeji was the only one providing for our family, supervising the construction sites his boss entrusted to him, growing poultry and vegetables, cows and number of pigs on the pen.  Although my mom is earning pretty well, she has to support her own studies and ours too and they forget to spend extra coins for the house. Our house was set aside, really. No single coins allotted for the house. It was always under construction.
But today marks a new beginning. Another hope and wish fulfilled. We have renovated our house. I have always dreamed of waking up one day to have this house we called ours and right now I cant believe we are living inside it. Although mom hasn’t touched yet the outer side of it, but what matters to me now is the appearance of the inside because this is what portrays us. This is what our inside looks like, calm and at peace.
I do not have a strong belief in fengshui, although my eyes tells you I have grown with it, nor did we believe on what our elder generation tells about it, this renovation is according to our own rules and belief. And so before anything else we have our house blessed by a priest. The priest whom my late aboeji’s love and considered his first born. Fr. Jovi blessed it and showered it with candies, chocolates, lollipops and gold coins on the twelve day of june.
We didn’t invite a lot of people. It wasn’t a big celebration. Its just me, mom and lao, and Fr. Jovi and some other close kin’s whom we loved and considered as family. It was fun. We were all happy that fr. Jovi visits us again and saddened the most for this is the last time he will be with us for the next 5 years. He was tasked to be a missionary in the united states and he is leaving on the end of the june. We will miss him definitely because we love him and he is a family. 

Although it is indecorous to the law of the church to have our house blessed not by the assigned parish priest but I firmly believed that I did no mistakes for when it comes to personal matters it is our own prerogative. I wish to say sorry and hope for understanding that we are just fulfilling aboeji’s request long ago that if ever we have our house blessed no matter what it takes fr. Jovi will have it bless.
It took us 20 years to build this house. Yet, it wasn’t as fancy as those of the billionaires and a lot of good and bad memories take place here over the years. This is where we had our wake for my great grand father, my beloved aboeji and my older sister. This is where I grieved and cried the most. What matters today are the happy memories the three of us are about to make and treasure and will forever cherish all the happy memories this house brought in.
 This is our home now.  Still smell of wet paint. Make it yours too!