Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9 days!

Earlier today I was eager to go to our training venue for today marks the end of our 9 days training for katarungang pambarangay. But then i lost my concentration. today i wasnt enjoying it the most. i feel exhausted.  for some reason i dont like you to know.  i just wanted to end this training immediately. Although i have completed all my task yesterday i still have to go to  the venue. But I cant catch up today. they speak hard bicol fluently. i feel ashamed   that i dont understand them perfectly.  although its fun to know about them and how they work in the community but today isnt my day. i think i rose up on the wrong side of the bed again. i step out from the hall and move to another hall adjacent to the training venue as i wrote this updates. i still hear the speaker's voice and decided to plug my ipod in.  

my friend showed up and told me that SPURS is leading at the Game 6 of the NBA finals. The picture below tells how we watched that breathtaking game.
i hate it when the resource speaker voice is louder than the microphone. it is irritating in the ears. after all what's the use of the microphone?  you dont have to shout. we can hear you clearly. but i cant tell them straight. i am not rude. i hate it too when they arrived late. we consume more time doing seminar  crazy breaktime saga or what you call the ice breaker when the participants are expected to go home early because the weather is not cooperating lately. we ended up all wet and soaked chilling in the rain. Much more to that is when they tend to tell story over discussion which is not related to the topic and tend to tell bad jokes too.

Listening is not quite my character. i dont want people talk about same thing on the last 9 days. there's aint no variations. they stick to that. they dont try to make the discussions enjoyable or maybe for some they are but for me it is all the same. Good thing today is the last day of the training and we will have this for the next 3 years.

To give you a glimpse of what is this katarungang pambarangay training all about, here's our training design.

Conflict among people is inevitable because of individual differences. Aggrieved party in a conflict usually resorts to seek for justice. Justice, as a panacea for conflicts or disputes, continues to be one of major concerns of people. Proof of this is the indiscriminate filing of cases in courts. This results to the slow resolution of cases, thereby, placing the justice system in question.

Consequently, Presidential Decree No. 1508 otherwise known as Katarungang Pambarangay Law was issued. It provides for the establishment of a system of amicably settling disputes at the barangay level without need to go to the courts. The law is likewise bent on speeding up the administration of justice, relieving the courts and prosecutors’ office of concealable cases, and saving a great deal of time, effort and expenses on the part of both the people and the government. Sections 399-422 of the Local Government Code of 1991 also advocates the said system of dispute settlement. Relative to this, the barangay as the smallest political unit, the closest to the people and the historically proven entity that amicably settles disputes, is given a major role in the overall administration of justice. Section 384 of the Local Government Code further affirms said responsibility of the barangay. However, the settlement of disputes depends much on how Lupon carry out their functions.

Thus, training on Katarungang Pambarangay is necessary in order to enhance the knowledge and skills of Lupon members and secretaries for them to effectively perform their roles and responsibilities and ensure that the implementation of the Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law is, indeed, a step forward in the pursuit of justice, peace and progress.

 At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:

  • effectively and amicably settle disputes at the barangay  level in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991 and other applicable laws.
  • Know the concept, philosophy and objectives of the Katarungang Pambarangay system.
  • Perform their respective roles, power and functions effectively.
  • Enumerate the various cases or disputes which are within as well as those which are not
  • Within the jurisdiction of the Lupon.
  • Identify the place where cases/disputes should be filled.
  • Know the different modes of settlement of disputes.
  • Apply the proper procedure in the amicable settlement of disputes.
  • Enumerate the ways by which amicable settlement and arbitration award may be enforced.
  • Identify the grounds for repudiation of amicable settlement arbitration agreement.
  • Prepare and accomplish Lupon records correctly.

    Different methods was used to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants.

    Lecture-discussion was predominantly employed considering the short duration of the activity. Instructional materials, handouts and multimedia was used to supplement the lecture discussion.
    In addition, role playing on how to amicably settle disputes was done. Workshop on the preparation of Lupon records and reports was also conducted for the Lupon Secretaries to know how to prepare records and reports correctly.
    Eventually, an open-forum was done to answer questions and provide clarification on issues related to Katarungang Pambarangay and Laws on Women and Children.
    The 3-day training on Katarungang Pambarangay was held at Our Lady of La                        Porteria Parish, San Francisco, Calabanga, Camarines Sur and was conducted in three (3) batches  on the following dates:
    1st Batch    -    June 6,7 and 8, 2013
    2nd Batch    -    June 13, 14 and 15, 2013
    3rd Batch    -    June 17, 18 and 19, 2013

    The Department of the Interior and Local Government in coordination with the Liga ng mga Barangay, Calabanga Chapter was responsible for the Activity.

    The conduct of the orientation prog ram was utilize practical and doable strategies that will address the different learning styles of participants and ensure the delivery of needed technical know-how of barangay officials.

    The language used was attuned to the participants’ level of understanding. Outputs in the training was subjected for critiquing so that participants was guided when they go back to their respective barangays.

    A certificate of completion was given to participants after activity.
    Same thing, the same people, same atmosphere in 9 days.This has been my life lately enjoy the day!

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