Wednesday, May 29, 2013

what to do?

 the recent repainting and innovation inside our house is something that i cannot take of. all of our things are not on the right place. i mean all of them..everything! CCTV?  i cant even find the CCTV cameras...i mean all cameras has gone in wilderness too.
 dust everywhere!
 paint everywhere
  disorganized things
 scattered things
 not so fine things
 this is isnt a house
 how do you call this?
 bike anywhere
 books and toys anywhere
 big bike small bike
 wood everywhere
 clothes everywhere
 chairs everywhere
 water everywhere
 disorganize organizer
 soiled clothes everywhere
 hanger and umbrella anywhere
 is this a living room
 is this a bed room
 isnt this a stock room? 
haysss how can i relax 
what the hell are my shoes doing inside the plastic bag? 
 what to do?
 what to do?
 what to do?

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