Tuesday, May 28, 2013

mayor evelyn yu

it was during my elementary years when I first saw you in our house. With whatever reasons why you were there, I don’t feel like remembering. What I clearly recall is that my mom said you are the chief executive..I should behave accordingly. That’s the rule of the universe. We gave high respect to the chief executive. I was very afraid of you then. I named you as the dragon lady. Seeing your name even in the tarpaulin makes me anxious that I don’t like to read what the tarp is saying. 

From then on, each time I saw you on social events and have the chance of talking to you I opt to refrain myself for the fear of losing my intellectual capacity because my mom told me you are smart.
Then I graduated from college had my university diploma and units of masteral from the university you highly praised of I got the chance to work with you. And the rest is the story I will forever treasure. 

Each year that passed my mind and my heart becomes at ease with you. I stammered sometimes and forgot the lines at once but knowing that you are this cool and kind that I can say anything to you and be comfortable enough to call your cp and have the courage to talk to you personally I had replace your name from the dragon lady to my gorgeous boss.

For the last five years I look highly of you. I adore you. On how you manage your life, your home, your family, and this office. You are indeed the greatest captain of this ship.

Well I guess a lot of people who will read this will agree with me that even those who don’t like you will also tell that on the back of their minds evelyn yu has done a great part of what is Calabanga right now. I saw how hard you work for this local government. The nights you have to stay awake to oversee everything especially during typhoon season, how well you manage the government financial operations, gazillions of seminars and meetings attended, the millions of development projects you brought for the 3 consecutive terms, numerous numbers of collaborations and partnership locally and internationally that opened doors for great opportunities in accomplishing and achieving more than what the government could have afford. On how well you implemented the programs, projects and activities of the LGU, we owe all that to you. After all you wouldn’t be marked as the multi-awarded chief executive if you were not. I know you have bashers but we don’t care about them right? don’t worry it goes with the saying that we can’t gratify everybody.
the only picture i have with mayor yu :)
When you give me the Book of Abundance with Pido’s signature (how did you manage Pido's autograph?), you constantly say that from now on we should live with of what the book  says and always think positively in everything we do. We have no rooms for no’s and maybe.

With you I learned to be tough. To have a mindset. To stay focus. I was always terrified each time you asked us to prepare for the script and presentation that I have to talk to the computer literally not to crush because in no time you will return and ask for the final draft. That sometimes when you are waiting for the script and presentations to be done I was always deflated and only think of you that I can’t even accept calls and text but what a relief each time we make all your request on time. 

You told me that no matter how hard the week will be I have to make it through with flying colors. No matter how many people think negatively of you today won’t even strike even a bit in me. What matters to me and the thousands of people who knew, love and believe in you is that you have successfully proved what does it takes to be the very best. In my mind and in my heart you are the best mayor calabanga ever had. 

Indeed public service is a noble and fulfilling task. It was your ultimate goal to serve the people and ensure excellent governance. Having been given the mandate to fulfill the responsibility is both an honor and privilege. It was a dream accomplished, a promise fulfilled. Guided by the various policies, thrusts and programs, you were able to chart the roadmap towards this goal and indeed, you have achieved such goal. Though these policies have set limits at your end, you were not discouraged to introduce innovations and come up with new strategies which fueled your initiatives and effort to achieve the goal. 

Those limitations and hardships weren't considered a hindrance but rather a challenge in your quest in making things happen. Your continuing commitment to serve had always been your guiding principle in your daily chores of delivering public service and promoting public welfare. You always have the conviction that what is necessary must be done.

The opportune time for which you were sworn in to serve will legally end. The achievements and accomplishments  for the benefits of your constituents have been  the primary goal of your commitment to serve. Perhaps, the time also for the people to judge. Whatever their judgment may be, you will leave the portals of the Municipal Hall with a light heart and sense of fulfillment because we believe, with all confidence and conviction, you did make a difference!

I will be forever grateful for all the wonderful opportunity you have given me. 

Thank you gorgeous!
God Bless You always :)

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