Monday, October 27, 2014

I will stay positive and kind…so kind…very very kind no matter what.

Kindness is the single most important factor to success in my life. Building strong personal alliances, mending bruised spirits, and taking unfamiliar people by surprise are just a few of the benefits of kindness.

Kindness is one of the best ways I know to make lasting connections with people. I feel that nearly all of the friends I have in my life I have made through being kind. By being kind, people are drawn to me.(lol) I don’t have to pretend with them of who I am not. Full of jokes, less focus, total disturbance and a bit cruel sometimes. I make sure they see me and love me and trust me of whom I really am. When I am sad they cheer me and make me happy. They show the same kindness to me as I gave them. 

As the days and years goes on I developed an attitude not to hate anyone. And if I ever hurt someone I did say sorry and plead not to do it again. I always stay calm even if others really abuse my kindness. I don’t know I never hated more than an hour in my life. I was never good on shouting back. 

Many times in my life I have found that kindness can fix any problem one might have and being kind to others instills a positive feeling and makes this world a better place to live.

Being kind to your siblings helps to build a strong family foundation. Showing kindness to neighbors and colleagues help in developing a positive social environment. Even the small considerations and selfless acts of kindness may help in growing business in leaps and bounds. The language of kindness is comprehended by each and every living being. If you have been kind to someone by ignoring his small fault or simply said, never mind, take care next time, will always be remembered by that person. You never know! You might have hit the jackpot. As the most of the times selfless deeds result in the most favorable and flourishing deals of the life.

What goes around comes around. So, just be polite and kind in your behavior and the same will come back to you. Being kind to self is equally important as being kind to others. Don't be harsh to yourself and give space to the trivial mistakes in life. As we only learn by committing mistakes. Learn from the experience and move ahead in the positive direction.
October is a mixed month for me and it’s getting over soon but I love October and all the days with it. This month really test how kind hearted I am as a person. The numbers of not so good days fill in that make our everyday different from the other days. But it doesn’t matter to me. I am always good. I am always smiling. I am always ok.

So to start with what my October seems like, I’d like to share to you things I have endure and make me say I am doing my best.

The pain grows as my wisdom tooth grows in full. The dentist had to perform an immediate extraction of it and full them off me because I cant bear any pain and have a very low tolerance on it. I may have my wisdom tooth removed. Yes! I face the fear of injections and needles and caused me a lot of pain that I don’t know which part of my body is in pain. The blood that comes out of my mouth taste awful and my gums hurt like I've never experience before and made me cry like crazy panda and even if it means I have to stay still like a dog and rest and my life’s a bit dangerous and cut some of my finances for the continuous medications and gum checkup at least I have the money to pay for and I didn't kiss goodbye to my smile and as the pain vanished and as my gum heals I laugh with an alligator smile again.

I did have a lot of issue on software updates, reprogramming and backups and network matters to top it the helicopter in which I used as a spy and for our security often get into trouble at home. This October I cant count anymore how many times I was kinda pissed off and i lost a lot of patience too after dealing with a lot of soul eaters and psychic vampires but I often pray to god to bring back the patience in me and when I pray hard he really does help me find the me in me and bring me back to the real me.
The screen of my phone my mom gave me as a Christmas gift last year was broken. I was talking to a very dear friend when somebody pushed me and I dropped it and how uncontrollable things are for somebody step on it and make it that way. But that is really ok. After all nobody wants it that way. It doesn’t matter who broke it and what make it broken what matter is im trying to forget it and pretend and act as if nothing happens on it and at the back of my mind I am really ok. I did say sorry to mom for this. I told her im so sorry i broke it. Mom told me its alright you can always change phone.

My friend eric told me that staying cool despite of what happens and still going means i have a broad and great understanding on all things. 
Some people in the office really abuse our kindness most of the time but we never complain about that. we never complain about that. we just let them be for if we will say no to them then who would, after all we get to learn more and more each day and our patience grow more and more. we just work the whole day and happy the whole day.

I think I will invest more on patience and I do wish there’s a real bank that store patience as a deposit for I am willing to invest everyday.

It’s really hard for me to say bad words. I often ask myself how does those words tastes coming out of my mouth. I feel like something is hot in my tongue and I really don’t like it. 
I really work hard this October but even so I was really busy I am very happy too. Bad days do exist and thats pretty normal but even so i am still lucky for i made it through the day. All the bad days are considered part of history and i dont have to live with it they are much fitted in the garbage can. October gave me a lot of moments to treasure for. I get to see pam while im doing the photoshot and meet a lot of beautiful people from Bahaginan from all parts of the world. I received a lot of phonecalls and emails from my friends and relatives, I get to travel, learn and study for free, I get finish all my school requirements, ride the plane and bus safe, the happiness I gave my brother bringing home his play shoes is far than winning a gold in Olympics, the hug all my little nephews gave me each day erase all the worries I have with me, the laugh I shared with them while playing and eating spaghetti really digest things in my mind, to see a very dear friend whom I consider as one of the best thing since peanut butter for the very first time and laugh with her as we visit the people we dearly love and gave us a surprise visit back is far greater than anything in the world and I dont wanna ask for more.

The love mom and lao gave me and the laugh we shared while watching cartoons and eating chicken and popcorns are many of the best reasons why after all the many not so good things I am still ok and happy.

I have a lot of beautiful reasons to smile and to laugh as happy as I could. I wouldn't invite any grinch in me and haunt me and made me cruel. 
October taught me that not all things are created equal and not all days are the same as the other days. Some days are better while the other days are not that better. Maybe it has something to do with the way i rose up of my bed. Or maybe its the negative forces of nature i cant escape with. I have to endure a little more for me to live life the fullest. I have to stay focus and take with me patience most of the time and i do pray to stay this way. 

I will stay kind no matter what and i will always be...not tomorrow nor someday because someday isn't a day in the week. i will be today and forever.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

scotchtape binders...we are that!

Often times you asked me when am I going to post an entry about us, often times I told all of you I will pretty soon but the other side of my mind tells me i haven’t come to my senses what will I write about us. It takes a lot of concentration and the idea makes me laugh out loud but honestly I am not into me right now so i will try it this time as long as I can rumble on my thoughts and as long as my minds think I will finish this long awaited entry about us. 
We are not that kind of office and staff relationship. What I see in us is a one great happy family. We don’t have any string attached between us but the love we have for each other is far beyond any string or any paperclip and scotchtape binders. I love all of you as my real family. I think of you whenever I go. I miss you when I am on month training. Each accomplishments I got is tripled the happiness everytime I share it with you people. 
What I love most about us is that we see things clearly. We see them even if it’s really cold and late and we still do things over and over again. I love it when we help each other accomplish all the things assigned to us and help each other finish the tasks that is expected among us. I love it when we laugh like a crazy panda over little things. Chuckles and almost cry laughing. We don’t see each other as a rival but rather we are so happy on every accomplishment we got. We don’t mind the files of work. We just work and laugh the whole day. 
We love to consult each other what is the best thing to do. We really wait for each other before we ate and divide the food. We are all confident in our own little ways. We hate it when somebody is hurt among us and we do cry when someone is sad. We avoid gossip, we don’t mind all the talks outside our office and we don’t talk that secretly. We hate eavesdropping. We settled on the truth and we don’t entertain someone else’s gossip. We always speak directly to the point. We always wait until someone is finish talking and explaining her side before we interfere. Respect and love is within our hearts.

Maybe it wasn’t because of our qualifications that binds us together and be together in one office that somehow we called our second home. I guess the HRD has nothing to do with that. I guess that god choose us to be together and work together for progress. 

I love how honest we are on every little thing. If we are sad or mad we tell each other and do say sorry if we hurt someone else. We don’t have much enough pride to hurt and we settled things to the point and laugh that we forget that someone is hurt. We are just us and that is what’s more important. We hate it when someone yelled or talk too much. We hate it when someone else crumpled and throw the files of paper on the floor. We all wish the crazy old panda not to come in the office if he will just ruin our day. We concentrate and don’t talk sometimes when we are facing deadlines at the right angle but once done we get back to the crazy us. 

we do wish each other’s goodluck and hug tight when someone needs it. we feel sad and cried when roxy leave the office but do wish her goodluck and happy for her accomplishments.
I love it how you comfort me when my real sister went to heaven and your sympathy matters to me when aboeji followed her too. Your prayers and love keep me strong. And thank you for cheering me up on those days I was down and crying like a crazy panda.

i always want the clock to rotate that fast on triple move when i am in school so that i can go home and see all of you. you never know how much i hate it when i am in a training and i cant laugh like we used to. And oh the behave me thing!
i love all of you as my real sisters. we may have some other friends to talk to on phone or chat but i still choose to talk to you often times. i love it when we are posting all our funny comments on facebook and viber too.

We all shed tears when our boss died and left us. We love her dearly that until now we still think she is there setting and guiding us and instructing us what to do. 

good thing we have tita bebet who used to check on us no matter how busy her life is. and with that we are all forever grateful. and now its tito ramon our great defender and real life superman! we all think of him as a cool father and we call him itay!

i love it when we greet each other goodmorning everyday and waive goodbyes when its time to go home. 
i love it when we work together and dont complain even if sometimes we think that they are violating our rights. we always go to work even if we are all bone tired and sleepy. and set aside our special dates on weekends if we are obliged too. 

we can work even if we are wearing flats or just like this...
we compliment each other and dont proceed when were not yet complete. on every presentation and research that we are up too i am so glad that even if it means no fridays and weekends that we love the most we still laugh and work on. we never have dull moments with us only positive thoughts that at the end of the day no matter how busy and burdened we are as long as we work together we are happy and no amount of money can ever paid that. 
we love our hair done and make up done and eyes done. karen never get tired of putting them on and checking on it but she never got the chance to change my eye brows. i will soon let you kai but for now i dont like it. we love perfumes and the toes clean and done, our office cleanliness and how do we smell matters to us the most. I love how ate lala says everytime we are all quiet that we need to add powder on our face. We havent tried putting a concealer on rowell too!
we even love nexie, ella, nono, iza and monique and we cheer for tito ramon for having zion. we even understand sir roger's grievances and hatredness at home.our patience grows more and more each day for him too. 

we used to live a great life and may we continue to live like this. we may separate or partways then but as long as we are connected on line and the skype is still available then what is wrong with that. we do skype even if we are just a table apart and that is the best thing.

we dont pretend. we just love us. may we always be like this...crazy, funny, witty, honest, sincere and pretty!

ate lala, kai, roxy, ate phing, corazon, and jo you are my sisters from different moms but i love you all.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Friendship we build through DRR way

Armed with digital camera and my favorite cap I went to barangay cagsao- a coastal community in my town to join the Ugnayan Bahagihan 2014 field visit in line with the observance of the United Nation’s International Day of Disaster Reduction.
Dubbed, Ugnayan at Bahaginan (Linkaging and Sharing), it seeks to promote governance practices that integrate local disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts with climate change adaptation and ecosystems management and restoration.
It is a two day conference on Disaster Risk Reduction organized by CARE Nederland through ACCORD Inc. and this time our town is one of the hosts. According to the organizer this field visit aims to observe on how we were able to implement small-scale mitigation projects and sustained and for possible replication on how we do DRR in our own way. 
This event is supported by the Partners for Resilience alliance, the Dutch Cooperating Aid Agencies, and the European Commission’s humanitarian aid, and civil protection department. The conference hopes to help forge better-prepared communities that can face future disasters with less fear and more resilience. 
The conference, which gathers representatives from ACCORD partner municipalities across the country, provides a venue for learning how at-risk communities can start the process of doing DRR and ecosystem restoration while considering climate projections and the possibility of extreme weather events, and how these efforts can be sustained using their own resources.
Participants include representatives from towns of Leyte that are recovering from the devastation of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) and urban areas that experience flooding like Malabon City. Almost same participants i saw and laugh with last year during the 7th south south in agusan but i still see new smiling faces though. 
 This event aims to show that climate-smart and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (DRR-CCA-EMR) cannot be done by a single entity or municipality. Necessary links have to be established with other contingent municipalities who are equally at-risk.
Working in the government for the past six years i really love taking pictures no matter what the event is. I love it when i am busy and i am enjoying it. As part of the MDRRMC team in our municipality it is my task to secure that all things are properly documented for future use. Not only that it is also a good opportunity and a way to meet the old friends i love working with and meet new ones. I am a community facilitator when ACCORD help our town in doing DRR. At first i was hesitant to do it for i know that i am not into it but later did i know i was kinda loving it. And believe it or not the team help me open my mind to new perspective that not all are equal that some dont have enough food to eat and worst drink. That man in blue shirt carrying his backpack is the country's representative to CARE Nederland. We call him oslec. And everytime he is around i used to tell him i smell what oslec is cooking and believe me he is indeed cooking.
I love to take pictures even if it means i will turn dark and get bruises entire my body my legs specially for doing so but as long as i enjoyed taking it and still makes me happy the most then i will shot forever.
i love to see familiar faces and of course my lovely big sister. i do love to join her in their mission of building resilient communities. its such a rare opportunity that i get to talk to her even if she is so busy. i love pam very much. her name isnt pam but i love calling her pam.
i love to see how they enjoyed visiting the villages in our town specially the coastal area, help and feed our people and enjoy all the things our town could offer. 
and most of all i want to shot happy memories that my subject will treasure forever.
i know that my understanding to the degree in DRR is only like a point of molecules but i do promise myself to change more and be concerned more in the environment and our people. I get to learn everyday and in no time i will get there too for everyday is a continuous learning experience and doing DRR was one of the most important decisions my town has ever made.
All these years one thing i know is that building a resilient community is a long and tedious process.  We must have perseverance in doing it. It should be a shared commitment between the government and the people themselves. And realized that it is our responsibility to protect the environment and that this responsibility must extend further. 
We are long way to go in doing DRR and far more to building resilient community but i do hope that if we are going to work together with all positive thoughts that yes we can then in mo time we can achieve a safer and much better world to live in.
so the next time you are ask how can you be of help tell them that even in small things way like planting trees counts. or by having a proper waste segregation inside your home matters most.
 more of my photoshots under the heat of the sun.
 i think this guy is from maragusan but he is wearing a saint bernard shirt.
 this is athena...the precious athena!
 hello sir! i saw you in talacogon last year!
 how did you manage to walk in the slanting and not elevated terrain without the cane?
 the sun is bright with april
 i love the smile sister!
 xyla without sunblock
 uncle tanty's little hi little low
 Kuya pangit in blue.
 parade of drr champions.
today might be the first and the last time some of these people will step in the town of calabanga but i am happy that at least they made it here.
thank you for your generosity and for continuously believing in the capacities of calabanga. 
athena and kitty paw-paw smiling and saying that we dont have to be content with sharing experiences - we should actually learn from them. We need to stay committed to each other, look out for each other.
 what i love most about this day is that no matter how busy we are, pam and i get the chance to have pictures together and that really means to me. it doesnt matter if we both turn dark and sunburn as long as we are happy and enjoying our job and keeping our friendship stronger then that is the best thing no amount of euros can ever paid for.
 thank you michael for taking this for me.
 i really had fun!
i wish to have my feet wash by the salt water....only if im not wearing shoes and holding a camera.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

joie noga .... I am happy to see you in real!

Ate joie is very pretty, so funny, so sweet, very kind and so generous (clapping the ears gorgeous) but no kidding I love her because of her perspective, she loves mommy and daddy and most of all because she is witty and had great sense of humor. I only met her once last year for about ten minutes or lesser than that. It was just a simple hi and hello im glad to meet you thing. It was just quick in the hotel room she booked for us. We exchange a couple of text like hi’s and hello’s and merry christmas and happy new year and take care and goodnights after that. Just recently I had too much conversation on viber with her too. Then during those times when I feel like I am mad to the world I share it with her and she always listen to me .I love it when she listen and laugh with me. I can tell her everything. I am not shy telling whats in my head. And when I tell her about it she used to give me pieces advice as what she fondly calls sign of wisdom. Funny side is I first met her car long before I met her in real. But I used to see her on facebook and if it weren’t for that social site I guess I will not even memorize her face. Dudoi my handsome big brother told me once that she is a great friend. I used to call her gorgeous although it seems that she doesn’t approve on that and had laughed too much when I told her but I won’t change it because for me she is.

Today I get the chance to meet and see her for real. Not in ten minutes but a couple of hours too and that is something to be treasure for. I went to see her with one of her friend who happened to be my neighbor and friend too. I was so excited when she told me a couple of weeks ago that she is going home and we can see each other and push through with the surprise visit to the two people we love the most. She is very refine and girly…That I think all the girls her age wanted to be.  She is so cool that she didn’t get mad on us when we told her that the bus we are riding is already in pili because her home is a bit far but to our surprise she rode the same bus with us. She treats us for lunch and shared a lot of light conversation about life.  And I learned that like me she loves to drink coffee.

If there are things like forever I will keep her with me. I really want to grow old and be friends with her forever even if we both settled on the other side of the earth. For even though our first meeting is lesser than ten minutes I feel her being sincere and she really wins my heart. Dudoi said that its ok to be friends with her since she is so kind and seems very happy about it. Lao is still shy to meet her but do promise me to meet her too.

She is currently working in one of the cellphone giant and although she is so busy she makes time to send back on my text even if I was just trying to destruct her most of the time and when I am bored to death and that makes her one of the best thing since peanut butter for me. I seldom tell that word to a friend but because I feel something in my heart about her I consider her one.  Everything about her is real. She sees things clearly than I do. Maybe because she uses an eye glasses for that (lol) or I think she uses more pixie dust and do some magic for me that makes me love her just like that. But i guess we have the same heart or maybe because i just feel her love for me. There’s no secrets no anything and I love her that way. The love I gave to ate joie is the same love I gave to lao and mom and dudoi and mommy and daddy. I love her like my own sister. And I thank god for giving me a very wonderful person to make friends with.

One of the best things she said to me is to give lot patience. That I think sometimes yes I do lack of it. Now I am still learning to give more of my time with that and I prayed that the soonest I will be able to master it. Ate joie gave me a sakroot’s planner as a birthday gift and i really love it. It’s far different and above cool than the planner I am currently using.  I told her that I will write anything on it and I do start to write one tonight. Maybe she is thinking when she bought it that I am a quick temper and had not look clearly on the other side of things so I can write down all that happened to me everyday even if it’s good or not pretty good for me to reflect and learn from it.

I wish to see her again pretty soon and she promised to visit us too. And I prayed that the love she gave me and to daddy and to mommy and to dudoi won’t fade even a little or vanished for no reason because we love her very much. I wish that the next time she went home I will have the chance to drink coffee and laugh with her. Take care of yourself ate joie and always live a great life. Thank you for all the love. I love you very much.(i do hope that you wont squeeze me to death until my eyes pop out for posting this)