Tuesday, July 18, 2017

8 years in heaven

i was once had a big sister and today she celebrates her eight years in heaven. back then she was the one who decorate, cooks, clean and take care inside our house but jesus get her back and so our lives was never the same like that. i had to take over and move on. 
and so to celebrate her eight years and for the love we prepare a simple snack, pray and lighted a candles for her. our cousins come and celebrate with us. mom really missed her and prayed for her soul. it was sad that she had to go back but it was god's will and maybe she too is tired.
tars thank you for the love you give when you are still alive. i know that one day we will be together again us family in the kingdom of god. and when the blessed day comes to me i want to see your face and welcome me with all your heart. and i cant wait to see you again.

Monday, July 3, 2017

my mother dear

my mom suffered from stroke 10 years ago. along side with that she is also a diabetic. for ten years she wakes up having insulin injection, drink medicines and at night before dinner another 10 units of insulin injection again. sometimes she told us her tummy is itchy. i cant count how much insulin she had for that long. for without it she wont get better, she fells weak and that is worry some. 

luckily for the last ten years she hadn't much any trouble. she can go with us anywhere. she has a cane with her to help her walk. and sometimes we get to hold her tight so she might not fell on the ground. weve been cautious. we've been watchful. we take care of her that much. we love her and we just cant get her out of our sights. 

my mom is a government retiree. she was a social worker officer. she had to file a leave for six months when she suffered from stroke. i take care of her. i give up everything because of her. although i am employed everything i get goes to mom's medications but its always ok. we had some resources for our food. then mom get back to work and move on with her lives. she is on the track again. doing all she can in the government. she loves her work. she loves to go to work and help people. back in 2009 my sister died in heart attack. she was 29 and mom's  life, her first born. after six month my father died in hemorrhagic aneurysm. i dont know how we make it through but mom stand firm for me and my brother lao. next to wonderwoman,she's the strongest mom i know.

in 2010 she suffered another stroke and her eyes were affected. it goes drop that we had to go another ct scan and go back to her neurologist. luckily with all the prayers and proper medications her eyes get back to normal. mom and i continue to work and live our lives the fullest. 

we used to celebrate her birthday. we get to give her a small party. and everyone enjoys it. days passed by and she was lucky to turn 60. the time we are waiting for. her retirement in the service. she made it to sixty and we were so happy. she doesn't have to get to work and she will have more time with us.

her spiritual life is amazing. she always wanted to go and visit the church. she always reminds us to pray and give thanks. i love that no matter how bad things are my mom keep on going and pray that strong. 

i love that she stays at home now. we hired a nanny for her. they are friends and the nanny loves her too. my mom had a lot of time with her life. enjoying all the privilege of her senior life. her health insurance status is lifetime and she get a lot of discount from every store we went. she love eating but she didn't gain weight that much. her doctor said she is doing great and i love that all is well for her. 

my mom is cool. she loves everybody. she loves all our friends. and i love that our home is filled with too much love. her recent confinement teaches me that life is not that long.that we have to live the fullest and be happy always. she's into wheelchair now but in no time i know that one day she will get up again and move. she cant walk that much and told me that shes afraid to get up yet but she is doing the best she can to get better. 

love you ma!