Tuesday, July 18, 2017

8 years in heaven

i was once had a big sister and today she celebrates her eight years in heaven. back then she was the one who decorate, cooks, clean and take care inside our house but jesus get her back and so our lives was never the same like that. i had to take over and move on. 
and so to celebrate her eight years and for the love we prepare a simple snack, pray and lighted a candles for her. our cousins come and celebrate with us. mom really missed her and prayed for her soul. it was sad that she had to go back but it was god's will and maybe she too is tired.
tars thank you for the love you give when you are still alive. i know that one day we will be together again us family in the kingdom of god. and when the blessed day comes to me i want to see your face and welcome me with all your heart. and i cant wait to see you again.

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