Saturday, December 30, 2017

i am happy and blessed

my life is blessed with amazing people and great things. i am thankful for having a family and friends i can count on in all my life strides and most of all wakes me up in times i have to. I thank god for everyday, for everything that happens to me. 2017 gives me a lot of options and happiness too. the year teaches me to be responsible for what i am doing. i used to ask his blessings but at the same time i do remember that i should act responsibly, that is, i should study carefully anything before deciding. since i do not trust mere luck but responsible and enlightened decisions. i traveled a lot this year, run a hundred miles too. i get to know more people, learn a lot of things and love myself more. prayer and constant discernment with god enables me to have a clear mind and strong heart. it sharpen my capacities for deciding and for taking risks. i spend my life praying for miracles and thank him for what i have and i really work hard until i get all the things i wanted and wished for.
2018 is a fresh start. i wish for good health, clean lungs, happy toes, a good heart and a clear mind and still see the best in all people i have to met. i will always keep my faith and trust in you.

wishing everyone a happy new year. let us all grow big and may we always be blessed with all good incredible things. i love you 😇

Monday, December 25, 2017

because its christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is my favorite holiday because I get to see family, the cold weather is spectacular, and I love giving and receiving gifts.  My favorite holiday is Christmas. Traditionally celebrated at home, Christmas is thought to be a family holiday. However nowadays the habits and ideas of people have changed very much and Christmas becomes more of the global holiday when it is appropriate to meet with many friends and go out for the round the night crazy celebration. Every person finds his own most favorite things about Christmas.  The best thing about Christmas is that special feeling in the air that is giving every person happiness and hope for the better future in the next year. 
One of the most popular and most recognized holidays throughout the world is Christmas. For most, Christmas is a time of giving and togetherness. It is a time to spend with family and friends. And for some, it is a time of great stress and deep pockets. We remember it as the day Jesus Christ, our lord and savior was born.
 As a child, I remember just before the last day of school I gave out presents to my teacher and a few of my friends. I always hope they like what I get them. When school is over the Christmas holiday begins. When growing up I viewed Christmas as a time of giving, but later realized that Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrated by most people all over the world.
 Everyone in my family is mostly joyful and in festive spirit. Our house is decorated inside and out with decorations of the season. Although Jesus is the reason for the season most houses are decorated with Santa Claus as the theme.

Because I like giving the presents to the people I like Christmas a lot. To me giving a present brings even more satisfaction and happiness than receiving it. The most exciting moment is when the person opens your present and you can see a sparkle of joy and pleasure in his eyes. The celebration of Christmas is a special moment itself.
 During the Christmas celebration season people are usually more friendly and gentle to each other, they try to leave every sorrow and offense behind, in the year that is passing by. I think this approach is a decent exercise for not only it makes a person feel good mentally but also many people feel better even physically. When there is joy in the air, the organism wants to celebrate along with the mind. The renewal of the things is felt all around. I have loved the celebration of Christmas since the very childhood

 We hold our hands in prayer celebrating together with Jesus and the whole Christian world! Only then it is right time to say - Merry Christmas to You!
 Joyful Christmas-tree decorations and sparkling lightings, underneath boxes with presents, magic odours and Christmas cuisine tastes – all make up a magical celebration atmosphere indulging children and adults within the wonders of a Christmas night.

 Joyful Christmas-tree decorations and sparkling lightings, underneath boxes with presents, magic odours and Christmas cuisine tastes – all make up a magical celebration atmosphere indulging children and adults within the wonders of a Christmas night.
 On Christmas night all wishes come true and so the celebration is special. Main meals and desserts taste as never again during a year-time, houses are carefully decorated with a special attitude from each member of a family

  I enjoy the unique atmosphere of the holiday. The feeling that is present in the air at those days cannot be compared to anything else.
 As Santa brings the presents to the small children, the grown ups enjoy exchanging the presents with each other.
The feeling of Holy joy and happiness arises every living thing to do good and kind things. During these days every person somehow goes back to the childhood.

 Joyful and spiritual Christmas time is a period of family unification and so each of our family member expresses a particular attitude to our own relatives.
I‘ve finally figured out the similarities between how I view Christmas as a child and how I view Christmas as an adult. The similarities are being with family and friends, gathering to eat dinner at the formal dining room and the reason why Christmas is celebrated.

Christmas time is genuinely unforgettable and unique impression everyone senses at the depth of a heart. The occasion brings us an all-hearted spiritual unification with Christ and so every single soul is willing to celebrate.

today is my favorite day

happy birthday jesus. i love love you!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

nine mornings.... and i made it 😝

though its hard to wake up that early in this rainy cold days i made it through my nine mornings of mesa de gallo. its impossible i know but i made it!  i just hope and pray that all our wishes and hopes come true this christmas day. have a merry christmas guys.

Thursday, December 7, 2017


life is full of magic shaun. all things are beautiful, people are good and all place are cool. we will make sure that you will grow up believing that santa claus is real and that there are fairies in the tree. happy birthday chakoykoy mi 💖