Saturday, December 15, 2007

To Ate Ellai Who Tag Me Up!

I just can’t believe that this month and this year is getting over again. And while im on my way up this little gadget of mine blink up telling me if we could make it on time just for tonight. Hello, Big Brother! I just raced against your elevator and I am sorry to tell you that I make it this time.You know I am damn tired of this windows vista thing. How incredibly difficult, time-consuming and complicated everything around here is. They want a complete revolution… a PC makeover. The last couple of weeks have been pretty rough. Most of last week, our department was never been pretty busy before. But because they want to have their systems change and so our night routine change! I am about to transfer a trillion accounts from XP to Vista.How bloody expensive every little thing is… Don’t you think Big Brother needs to be overhauled too? It would be so nice I guess!

But I don’t wanna be affected. Ok we are changing it. We just need a little more time. Duh?... And we are on break at this moment. A forty-five minutes break. And the vista doesn’t affect me. And I am not afraid of Big Brother either. So, how are you doing right now and why do you wanna know 8 things I am obsessed with. So here we go:

1. TOYS AND CHRISTMAS – I treasure those toys papa gave me each Christmas. I wish he will give me that Transformers Ultimate Bumblebee on the tweny-fifth. And there’s no other day happier than Christmas. I get to see everybody and it’s a long holiday all expense free for me.

2. A GOOD BOOK – you must give me a really good book for me to stay home or else im out again.

3. LOVELY FLOWERS – it’s relaxing in the eye. And the smell so wow!

4. A BRAIN TWISTING GAME – It helps my mind focus.

5. McDonald FOODS – its my all time favorite.

6. CAR – who don’t want to have a car anywayz.

7. MY WORK – I love my work because I get to travel for free. And sometimes I hate it too when the seminar last for a week or two. I miss a lot of my family gatherings and when I get back things look odd.

8. SUNSET –for it means I am off to work and I am ready to take new problems and challenges and complications that spring up on the hour and how much I can do even when Im bone-tired and half-dead and there’s always a new tomorrow to sleep and a sunset to start!

My forty-five minutes is up now. I may not know or it may not really be possible for me to be there when you need me, but you could be sure that my prayers are there, urging heaven to assist you in your time of need. Don’t worry too much about your bad dreams. Its just a dream and it wont be happening ever.

Goodbye now.

1 comment:

gypsy soul said...

everytime i come here, there's always something new..the blog every now and then gets a new face. and beautiful and interesting faces too..

and then of course, it never runs out of surprises. those were worthwhile things that you are mad about..nice to know that..

keep posting!