Thursday, August 27, 2009

mind empty!

There comes a time when a human feels totally empty. His emotions are gone. His thoughts are void. All of him is wasted. Unaware of his purpose and confuse of his existence. He is like a blind who gropes through the reality’s pitch black darkness. No matter how rich he is, no matter how intelligent he is, there is this tiny hole that seems to get the most of him. No sum of money can fill this hole. The power of his god cannot do anything. The so-called friends are not there. Even the knowledge that he has is insufficient. As sad as it sounds, human life is filled with such moment.

These pauses in life are very common. It usually happens when a person thinks of everything and nothing simultaneously. The urge to focus on the matters at hand seems to fade. Everything feels numb, and then little by little, the numbness is gone. It is replaced by the indescribable sense of nothingness. These moments can happen anytime and anywhere. These very human occurrences excuse no one. From young, old, female, and those who are somewhere in the middle. Some fear it, some do not. Some thinks that a rational explanation is somewhere out there.

All throughout history humans tried sorts of stuff to fight these dilemma. Many people killed themselves trying to avoid them. Many filled their lives with creative activities. Some searched further, giving birth to arts, sciences, religions and many more. Other people just accepted that emptiness is part of intricate design of human life. Could it be that such blank situation can be avoided? Is this hole meant to be filled? If it is meant to be filled, human will fill it with what? If it is not, what do humans do?

As cycle continues, another question pops out. Human mind worries and looks for answer. Some questions are answered, some are not. Wondering goes on and on until sometime later…lost…deep…nothingness…empty.

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