Monday, February 4, 2013

58 things i love about mom!

Hi mom! Good morning!
Did you sleep well?
I’m writing to you now. Isn’t it strange? you’re the one who used to send us notes but now im the one doing it. And its online. You know how bad my handwriting right? It has gone to worst and sometimes I cant even understand what I wrote. So I prefer it online to make it vivid and clear and tell the world how lucky I am to have a mother like you. 

Mom you’re 58! And you still look the same. You are still corrugated, you’re not sexy, but I guess 1 million mothers in the world, looks exactly the same as you, bigger like that, but I love it mom, I’ve been used to it. Hahaha! Oh how I miss the days when you get home from the office with so much pasalubong in your bag. 

You know what I miss the most? I miss the days when we stroll to the mall and went to the supemarket to buy everything we want. It’s because of the mild stroke and diabetes that hinders you to do so but at least we can still go to the mall and go to the market though  you just stay in one place and told us what to buy and that is very much ok. At least you are still there guiding us.  

Although I am old and you’re much older too, you still managed to check on my room and turn off the lights when Im asleep. Why cant I sleep without lights mom until now? 

Anyways I write this blog post exclusively to you because I want you to know how much I appreciated all your love to me and that of my crazy brother. Here, I list down things I love most about you. knowing that you always want me to do things I pretty much and whatever I want so here it is : 

58 things I love about mom!
  1. I love the way you raised me and lao.
  2. I love the way you love me and lao.
  3. I love how well you speak English.
  4. I have always loved your great sense of humor mom!
  5. I love how you teach me and lao English and check our grammar too.
  6. I love the way you worry about me and lao when were not home at 22:00
  7. I love how relax and calm you are over complicated things.
  8. I love how well you teach me to manage our finances.
  9. I love how well you write mom!
  10. I love how much you've taught me about life and myself
  11. I love writing down the new things I learn about life with you.
  12. I love the way you teach me things I need to learn.
  13. I love all your cooking’s mom! It tastes really good. I hope that one day you will be able to cook delicious food glorious food again for the whole week.
  14. I love the way you love aboeji when he is still alive.
  15. I love the way you spoil me and lao when we were kids.
  16. I love the way you worry about my health too.
  17. I love the way you stop me and lao from eating too much chocolates.
  18. I love the way you learn new technologies although it’s always draining the ipad battery.
  19. I love the way you inspired me and lao.
  20. I love the way you managed to call me and lao and aboeji when you are out of town before.
  21. I love how much you trust me and lao.
  22. I love how you don't interrupt me when I'm speaking. You give me chance to explain my side and you majestically taught me how to defend my ground. All my life survival skills Im happy and will be forever grateful that I learned them all from you.
  23. I love how you let me cry on your shoulders every time I cant understand this whole wide world.
  24. I love how you comfort me when im sad and mad to the world either.
  25. I love the way you teach me how to clean up my mess specially those underneath my bed. That in life I cant rely to yaya or to anyone but me alone.
  26. I love how strict you are. The strict implementation of the only two choices we have at home. The Yes and No and No Maybe thing whom we used to follow or else we will be out of the house. Although I know half of those you didn’t mean but when I think about it I am too afraid that me and lao will end up on street chilling and starving!
  27. I love your choice of things. From perfumes to bag and slippers.
  28. I love how you match up things properly.
  29. I love the way you said I love you to me when I said I love you mom.
  30. I love how patience you are over things.
  31. I love the way you joke too!
  32. I love how quick you are over deciding things and you are always right!
  33. I love how you love all your 10 siblings and the way you treat your kins. I have always love too the way they loved you mom.
  34. I love the way you told us stories about Noah and Jonah when we were kids.
  35. I love the way you still managed to send us gifts when you’re in a workshop for moths before.
  36. I love how you love martin our parrot and sparsky, spot, ashky and shikitz our dearly beloved departed pets.
  37. I love how you still didn’t get mad when our big aquarium crushed and all the fishes died.
  38. I love how you told me to grow my hair beautifully and color my nails too. you even paid for my hair rebond.
  39. I love how well you do in math. Mathematics has never been my problem in 8th grade then.
  40. I love how well you swim and I was always envious of that.
  41. I love how well you draw mom. i cant even draw chicken.
  42. I love how well you prepare all our birthdays celebration when we were still three.
  43. I love the way you love tarz when she is still alive and until now.
  44. I love how well you file things and take care of your file cabinet and your dress cabinet too.
  45. I love the way you take pictures of me.
  46. I love how much you love watching cartoons and fantasies with me until now.
  47. I love how much you spend on buying all the robots and soldiers I have.
  48. I love how much we laugh over little crazy things.
  49. I love the way you taught me how to pray to my guardian angel.
  50. I love how you check my status on facebook.
  51. I love how you spend hours watching me practicing skateboards and roller blades too and yet i didnt get the right move.
  52. I love how much you love bette meddler’s wind beneath my wings and how much I love you sing them although you didn’t get the right tune! i like the way you love my music although i know that it is irritating in the ears but you didnt even complain when i played them. you even like moves like jagger, jlo's  dance again and oppa gangnam style.You  rock mom!
  53. I love how you loved all my friends and making our home a place where all my friends liked to be.
  54. I love how you still say better luck next time and never ever complain at my routinely poor grades on report cards back then specially in math!
  55. I love how you love eating popcorn with me and lao.
  56. I love that you didn’t get mad at me or even kill me when the last time I went home drunk and I vomit a lot because I attended my cousin’s birthday!
  57. I love how much you love your friends too!
  58. I love how you managed our life without aboeji.
I never find it hard to enumerate all those things I love about you.
Thank you for loving me and lao unconditionally.

May we always live like this mom. Forever. I love you very much.
Happy Birthday!


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