Thursday, February 14, 2013

as we waved goodbye to lola sabel

As the heavy rain pours from the sky yesterday, the tears from the eyes of my beloved family pours heavily too as we waved our last goodbye to our inay, lola sabel. She was 89 years old and the only inay in our family since all of our great grandfathers have departed some 20 years ago. Inay sabel was the sister-in law of my grandfather. My mom grew up with her. She’s a great fish angler. She catches fish easily using improvised rod. I remember her rods. She got a lot of it. My mom called her the queen. She was very kind to every one of us. When I was a still a kid she used to give us different eggs. She got so many fowls and poultry. The year has passed and she became older and bid ridden. She can’t walk and fish anymore. She used to stay in her house but one of my aunts took her to her place just near her home so that she can be well taken care of. The place she’s staying is quite far from our home and we only see her for real during special occasions only if we happen to attend one all the rest is from internet.

this is lola sabel casket. she is so calm and still looks beautiful.
on her way to the church. she was put on a carriage that produces bubbles.
 heading to the church they played all her favorite songs.
kakang talen, her second child was crying so hard.
and mama onding too she even got unconscious.
sign of sympathy kept on flowing even on her last day.
all of my cousins went home to send her home.
including those who live on the other parts of the world came home too. that's how we loved lola sabel. a sort of family reunion on a very sad moments happened all through out the wake.
i seldom see them crying but on that day even the most tough man on earth cried out loud.
kakang lando her first born son cried so much. 
kakang lando is paralyzed that he cant go to the funeral. 
aunty hermie who went home all the way from Florida cried so much.
the mass in our parish was solemn.
hundreds of people gather inside the church wearing only black and white.
think of how tired  my family was for the 12 days wake.
the last pose with their mom.
inside the family museleum. 
our final glance to lola sabel
sad moments of our family.
aunt floremena's rose for lola sabel. a very sad picture.
the rain continue to pour outside and so many got wet. the air is breathing heavily. i went outside because i cant take the view. my eyes hurt and kept on pouring liquid maybe because of the wind. i've been in this situation not just once but twice four years ago but i just cant take it. i run and go to my aboeji's grave site and there i cried a lot.
tantoy her great grandson not even know what was happening. But even though he's that small  he was so lucky enough to have him held on lola sabel's arm. 
as these balloons went up to heaven so as with our dearly beloved lola sabel.
we will greatly miss you inay sabel. its hard to let you go but knowing that you will be happy in heaven the family is letting you go.
we will always live by the values and love you've taught us. thank you so much for the love. thank you everybody for your prayers and love to lola sabel. thank you for all the kind deeds and for comforting our family in our bereavement.
until we all meet again inay. be our guide.

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