Monday, September 9, 2013

the so called school life of mine!

im getting ready for my next module. i know its going to be tough next week. they have us downloaded the language were using. good thing the software plays on all platform. working on C++ was never easy but as the days goes on i find it cool. refreshing my university days makes me reminisce how hard is it to say hello world in perl. im not that inclined to perl  or some other family of high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages but i love java. clearly speaking i am more on the IT mode nowadays. 

 as i have told you in my previous post most of my classmates are boys and far much older and smarter than me.
   i work hard and exert extra effort for me not to be left behind
i love going to this kind of modular training's because i get to see the world infront of me. 
although sometimes the environment is boring but getting in this class is not everybody's privilege. 
 gathering around the training venue is one of my most favorite part. not because i will get to see my classmates or my crush but i get to see the latest gadget in front of me. i mean glorious gadgets which means from the worlds fastest notebook...
 to the worlds priciest netbook
 and up to the worlds smallest netbook
that i can never get my eyes off those machines although im using a touchscreen but i really like those little gadgets
Training duration's usually ends every 7th day and during this time, we experience physical development, emotions, friendships, relationships, and especially constant knowledge. Happiness, sadness and other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find it there. That's why this school life of mine is one of the best moments of my life. It is different from university life and adult life, very different! 
 usually we stay in a hotel room enough to occupy three people
 this is how it looks like with wifi, tv, aircon, hot shower and bath and the smell is so good
 sometimes we stay very late
 that sometimes when it so cold and youre sleepy you cant even restore the gadgets properly. we cant go shopping either. we do them on the last day.
 we ate a lot...that's basic!
 and drink a lot too :)
 for every modules its your own prerogative as how are you going to make it through the day. as for me i cant go without my droids.
 i play before i sleep that makes me alive!
 we start our day before the sun goes up
 and usually end them three hours after the sun sets down
you will never know how much we learned from this people and environment and i really love it here
This is my school life!
I love it because its above different :)

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