Sunday, September 1, 2013

today we run 3 km straight!

it's 12 in the midnight as i write this on my bed. my body and muscles aches too much but i can bear it. i used to run back then. i was an athlete for more than a decade until i lost the will to do so. i can run as far as 21km before. but due to the sudden bad health condition, bad weather, wrong time and my unwillingness to run i ended up gaining so much weight my mother never imagined i will be. back then i was always under normal built. i wasnt fat i wasnt thin. today i run 3km straight. straight which means i dont stop a bit. i did run today together with my friends and officemates and among others the running enthusiast.  today with so much happiness we run altogether to join this year's fun run/fun walk for healthy lifestyle. 

some stretching exercise while we do the very unique opening prayer. i never thought that while praying we can also do some stretching! 
 i cant even find myself in was jam packed! sure we are all serious doing this.
a pose before the take off.
 and then we run!
we run along with tito ed
with public officials
with senior citizens
 with the students
 and their teachers
 with our fellow government workers
with the employees from private company
with the police
with some retirees
and the most fastest runner i have ever seen my whole life!
tito ramon did run too!
ate lisa and ate omi from the accounting office
 and ysa! ate phing's daughter who was the champion last year!
we did a lot of fun while running. we didnt take it seriously we just run the best we could after all it wasnt a competition of who will finish first and ended last. its a fun run!
 look at ate art two kilometer pose!
we do a lot of jump
 me and ate ehrlich taking over ate art!
 and the best pose i have ever seen while running!
much that we get a lot of health benefits from running but this is also an avenue to make new friends, to see our friends we havent seen for long, to digest things we have in our mind, a break from hectic office schedules and home chores, to see different environment, meet a lot of people and experience new things .
i wonder how did they manage to look fresh while running!
or how did you manage to take a call while running?
me and tito ed!
 crazy pose as we receive our certificates
 proof that we really run!
a fresh start this september!

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