Sunday, October 20, 2013

i miss you here....

I long to write you a letter but I know you will laugh out loud so I won’t send this to you personally
but I will let the world know.

It’s been three months since the last time I see you coming in the front door of our office. And that was long. You almost enter at the exit but suddenly you realized it’s the exit and you turn your back, then step your feet on the entrance because you were eager to get in. You were so happy that day and ask me how we have been. And you check everything on our wall posting and write down all our task to be accomplish this year. Although you used to call us and text us and say hi and hello’s still we missed your presence in the office. It’s different if you are there. We feel incomplete when you’re not around because the office can’t be an office if there aren’t any boss and all. That’s what I have learned from you. That’s why I used to ask when are you coming back. But you used to say, you don’t even know when and you just smile. Although I didn’t say more infront of you but I guess you know in my gesture how much I care about you.  
For the last five long years you’re the only boss I have. You invest so much for me and trusted me well. You gave me all the latest fastest trending gadgets I need in the office. You never failed to check on me every time I am in school for my modular programs in which you required me to be or when I just having fun with my classmates. You are always there for me when I need you as what you always said you are just a call away. That I think I have two best moms in the world and that makes me lucky. And I thank you for giving me such wonderful opportunity. To experience things those of my other co-workers never experienced with.  And in that long five years much that I have learned from you is that I have learned to be just like you. You taught me to be humble most of the time. You taught me to have my feet always in the ground. You taught me to give respect to where it is due. To be polite and to be kind. You are part of my development. It was you who taught me to be prim and proper and crazy! To stay positive and never lose hope. You always fix everything for me. You taught me to fight for what is right and what I believe in. You taught me well how to defend and stand on my ground. You always give me the assurance that everything is okay even if I can’t do math and write on pen and paper.
I miss you in the office. I miss you say things I need to know. I miss to see you set in your office table full of files and bills and all. I miss our face to face conversation and the never ending laugh when its 8 in the evening and we haven’t finish all the presentations we need the very next day and I really miss how you smile over my little wrong doings.    

You taught me really well. From the simple garbage segregation that you personally trained me everyday for the last three years until I learnt it, to use the back of the paper when printing draft and never crumpled it that I think has gone you mad up to my grammar corrections. I never saw you whinge when you see things they aren’t supposed to be and you never get mad at me when I still didn’t follow your orders to print the back of the paper when we are printing in draft. You just smile and tap my head and you never lose your temper over me when I said why should I be doing that? You never failed to say hello to me even if you’re sick and all. You may never know that in times I had my headphone with me, it’s not that I don’t want to listen to you but it’s just that I have to listen to all you’re instructions for me so that all the task you want me to accomplish will be done perfectly. That in times we don’t say a word it’s just that were busy reading and reviewing our entire task, for you are the most perfectionist boss we have learned to love and respect. You always want things to be perfect and all. In our office there are no rooms for glitch and errors.    

I treat you as my own mom and my mom knows that too. And in times like I don’t like the whole wide world you were there to comfort me. I wasn’t even afraid of tito ed because I know you will defend me to him. That’s why I seldom make mistakes and never did I fail you on everything. Because I am much afraid of you.     

Although what you said to me last week was breaking my heart and make me sobbed I want you to know that I will follow whatever you want me to do, cooperate, do the best I can and give my trust to anyone you wants me to be with. I will be forever grateful for all the things and the love you gave me.     

Smile, send us text, call our office phone, give us instructions, rephrase the paragraph, sign our accomplishments, comments to all our good and wrong doings and give us hope. That’s all we ever wanted. Three months is long and done and all our listed tasked has long been completed, we need you in the office. Please come and write on the wall our next responsibilities.     

We are all waiting for your return.  We know you can make it like you always do!  


rodrick smith said...

i wish that shes ok by now addy :)

earl swarnidje said...

addy how is your boss doing by now?

audrey smith said...

the whole pennsy community is praying for her fast recovery kiddo :)

philip smith said...

reading your blog kiddo and how well you describe your boss made me think that the little kiddo i used to know back in pennsy has long gone.... you have grown totally! seriously i will include your boss in my prayers :) with love!

samantha carrols said...

you really love your boss kid! i will pray for her fast recovery!