Monday, October 27, 2014

I will stay positive and kind…so kind…very very kind no matter what.

Kindness is the single most important factor to success in my life. Building strong personal alliances, mending bruised spirits, and taking unfamiliar people by surprise are just a few of the benefits of kindness.

Kindness is one of the best ways I know to make lasting connections with people. I feel that nearly all of the friends I have in my life I have made through being kind. By being kind, people are drawn to me.(lol) I don’t have to pretend with them of who I am not. Full of jokes, less focus, total disturbance and a bit cruel sometimes. I make sure they see me and love me and trust me of whom I really am. When I am sad they cheer me and make me happy. They show the same kindness to me as I gave them. 

As the days and years goes on I developed an attitude not to hate anyone. And if I ever hurt someone I did say sorry and plead not to do it again. I always stay calm even if others really abuse my kindness. I don’t know I never hated more than an hour in my life. I was never good on shouting back. 

Many times in my life I have found that kindness can fix any problem one might have and being kind to others instills a positive feeling and makes this world a better place to live.

Being kind to your siblings helps to build a strong family foundation. Showing kindness to neighbors and colleagues help in developing a positive social environment. Even the small considerations and selfless acts of kindness may help in growing business in leaps and bounds. The language of kindness is comprehended by each and every living being. If you have been kind to someone by ignoring his small fault or simply said, never mind, take care next time, will always be remembered by that person. You never know! You might have hit the jackpot. As the most of the times selfless deeds result in the most favorable and flourishing deals of the life.

What goes around comes around. So, just be polite and kind in your behavior and the same will come back to you. Being kind to self is equally important as being kind to others. Don't be harsh to yourself and give space to the trivial mistakes in life. As we only learn by committing mistakes. Learn from the experience and move ahead in the positive direction.
October is a mixed month for me and it’s getting over soon but I love October and all the days with it. This month really test how kind hearted I am as a person. The numbers of not so good days fill in that make our everyday different from the other days. But it doesn’t matter to me. I am always good. I am always smiling. I am always ok.

So to start with what my October seems like, I’d like to share to you things I have endure and make me say I am doing my best.

The pain grows as my wisdom tooth grows in full. The dentist had to perform an immediate extraction of it and full them off me because I cant bear any pain and have a very low tolerance on it. I may have my wisdom tooth removed. Yes! I face the fear of injections and needles and caused me a lot of pain that I don’t know which part of my body is in pain. The blood that comes out of my mouth taste awful and my gums hurt like I've never experience before and made me cry like crazy panda and even if it means I have to stay still like a dog and rest and my life’s a bit dangerous and cut some of my finances for the continuous medications and gum checkup at least I have the money to pay for and I didn't kiss goodbye to my smile and as the pain vanished and as my gum heals I laugh with an alligator smile again.

I did have a lot of issue on software updates, reprogramming and backups and network matters to top it the helicopter in which I used as a spy and for our security often get into trouble at home. This October I cant count anymore how many times I was kinda pissed off and i lost a lot of patience too after dealing with a lot of soul eaters and psychic vampires but I often pray to god to bring back the patience in me and when I pray hard he really does help me find the me in me and bring me back to the real me.
The screen of my phone my mom gave me as a Christmas gift last year was broken. I was talking to a very dear friend when somebody pushed me and I dropped it and how uncontrollable things are for somebody step on it and make it that way. But that is really ok. After all nobody wants it that way. It doesn’t matter who broke it and what make it broken what matter is im trying to forget it and pretend and act as if nothing happens on it and at the back of my mind I am really ok. I did say sorry to mom for this. I told her im so sorry i broke it. Mom told me its alright you can always change phone.

My friend eric told me that staying cool despite of what happens and still going means i have a broad and great understanding on all things. 
Some people in the office really abuse our kindness most of the time but we never complain about that. we never complain about that. we just let them be for if we will say no to them then who would, after all we get to learn more and more each day and our patience grow more and more. we just work the whole day and happy the whole day.

I think I will invest more on patience and I do wish there’s a real bank that store patience as a deposit for I am willing to invest everyday.

It’s really hard for me to say bad words. I often ask myself how does those words tastes coming out of my mouth. I feel like something is hot in my tongue and I really don’t like it. 
I really work hard this October but even so I was really busy I am very happy too. Bad days do exist and thats pretty normal but even so i am still lucky for i made it through the day. All the bad days are considered part of history and i dont have to live with it they are much fitted in the garbage can. October gave me a lot of moments to treasure for. I get to see pam while im doing the photoshot and meet a lot of beautiful people from Bahaginan from all parts of the world. I received a lot of phonecalls and emails from my friends and relatives, I get to travel, learn and study for free, I get finish all my school requirements, ride the plane and bus safe, the happiness I gave my brother bringing home his play shoes is far than winning a gold in Olympics, the hug all my little nephews gave me each day erase all the worries I have with me, the laugh I shared with them while playing and eating spaghetti really digest things in my mind, to see a very dear friend whom I consider as one of the best thing since peanut butter for the very first time and laugh with her as we visit the people we dearly love and gave us a surprise visit back is far greater than anything in the world and I dont wanna ask for more.

The love mom and lao gave me and the laugh we shared while watching cartoons and eating chicken and popcorns are many of the best reasons why after all the many not so good things I am still ok and happy.

I have a lot of beautiful reasons to smile and to laugh as happy as I could. I wouldn't invite any grinch in me and haunt me and made me cruel. 
October taught me that not all things are created equal and not all days are the same as the other days. Some days are better while the other days are not that better. Maybe it has something to do with the way i rose up of my bed. Or maybe its the negative forces of nature i cant escape with. I have to endure a little more for me to live life the fullest. I have to stay focus and take with me patience most of the time and i do pray to stay this way. 

I will stay kind no matter what and i will always be...not tomorrow nor someday because someday isn't a day in the week. i will be today and forever.


shane said...

patience is a virtue. really nice post.

audrey said...

i love that you are very kind, so kind, very very kind in real. i love reading your post.

carl said...

you really have the talent to write. and you really are so kind...very very!

sam said...

i wish i have the talents and heart like you.

jewel said...

your kindness is amazing!

shed said...

i really love your post :) keep it up! and keep the kindness!

karen said...

it's hard for me to be like that.
it may not be in my vocabulary but by reading this really inspired me to be.

karla said...

i really love your post addyrside. Amazing! Indeed kindness is a virtue and please stay kind.

sebastian said...

I hope and pray that you stay cool and kind. Only few are like that. Happy to find your blog. Following it now.

dawn said...

There so much more for you addyrside. May you always live like this and continue to love all the people around you. I love you being crazy and your choice of words ids as awesome like you! God blesd you.