Saturday, October 18, 2014

scotchtape binders...we are that!

Often times you asked me when am I going to post an entry about us, often times I told all of you I will pretty soon but the other side of my mind tells me i haven’t come to my senses what will I write about us. It takes a lot of concentration and the idea makes me laugh out loud but honestly I am not into me right now so i will try it this time as long as I can rumble on my thoughts and as long as my minds think I will finish this long awaited entry about us. 
We are not that kind of office and staff relationship. What I see in us is a one great happy family. We don’t have any string attached between us but the love we have for each other is far beyond any string or any paperclip and scotchtape binders. I love all of you as my real family. I think of you whenever I go. I miss you when I am on month training. Each accomplishments I got is tripled the happiness everytime I share it with you people. 
What I love most about us is that we see things clearly. We see them even if it’s really cold and late and we still do things over and over again. I love it when we help each other accomplish all the things assigned to us and help each other finish the tasks that is expected among us. I love it when we laugh like a crazy panda over little things. Chuckles and almost cry laughing. We don’t see each other as a rival but rather we are so happy on every accomplishment we got. We don’t mind the files of work. We just work and laugh the whole day. 
We love to consult each other what is the best thing to do. We really wait for each other before we ate and divide the food. We are all confident in our own little ways. We hate it when somebody is hurt among us and we do cry when someone is sad. We avoid gossip, we don’t mind all the talks outside our office and we don’t talk that secretly. We hate eavesdropping. We settled on the truth and we don’t entertain someone else’s gossip. We always speak directly to the point. We always wait until someone is finish talking and explaining her side before we interfere. Respect and love is within our hearts.

Maybe it wasn’t because of our qualifications that binds us together and be together in one office that somehow we called our second home. I guess the HRD has nothing to do with that. I guess that god choose us to be together and work together for progress. 

I love how honest we are on every little thing. If we are sad or mad we tell each other and do say sorry if we hurt someone else. We don’t have much enough pride to hurt and we settled things to the point and laugh that we forget that someone is hurt. We are just us and that is what’s more important. We hate it when someone yelled or talk too much. We hate it when someone else crumpled and throw the files of paper on the floor. We all wish the crazy old panda not to come in the office if he will just ruin our day. We concentrate and don’t talk sometimes when we are facing deadlines at the right angle but once done we get back to the crazy us. 

we do wish each other’s goodluck and hug tight when someone needs it. we feel sad and cried when roxy leave the office but do wish her goodluck and happy for her accomplishments.
I love it how you comfort me when my real sister went to heaven and your sympathy matters to me when aboeji followed her too. Your prayers and love keep me strong. And thank you for cheering me up on those days I was down and crying like a crazy panda.

i always want the clock to rotate that fast on triple move when i am in school so that i can go home and see all of you. you never know how much i hate it when i am in a training and i cant laugh like we used to. And oh the behave me thing!
i love all of you as my real sisters. we may have some other friends to talk to on phone or chat but i still choose to talk to you often times. i love it when we are posting all our funny comments on facebook and viber too.

We all shed tears when our boss died and left us. We love her dearly that until now we still think she is there setting and guiding us and instructing us what to do. 

good thing we have tita bebet who used to check on us no matter how busy her life is. and with that we are all forever grateful. and now its tito ramon our great defender and real life superman! we all think of him as a cool father and we call him itay!

i love it when we greet each other goodmorning everyday and waive goodbyes when its time to go home. 
i love it when we work together and dont complain even if sometimes we think that they are violating our rights. we always go to work even if we are all bone tired and sleepy. and set aside our special dates on weekends if we are obliged too. 

we can work even if we are wearing flats or just like this...
we compliment each other and dont proceed when were not yet complete. on every presentation and research that we are up too i am so glad that even if it means no fridays and weekends that we love the most we still laugh and work on. we never have dull moments with us only positive thoughts that at the end of the day no matter how busy and burdened we are as long as we work together we are happy and no amount of money can ever paid that. 
we love our hair done and make up done and eyes done. karen never get tired of putting them on and checking on it but she never got the chance to change my eye brows. i will soon let you kai but for now i dont like it. we love perfumes and the toes clean and done, our office cleanliness and how do we smell matters to us the most. I love how ate lala says everytime we are all quiet that we need to add powder on our face. We havent tried putting a concealer on rowell too!
we even love nexie, ella, nono, iza and monique and we cheer for tito ramon for having zion. we even understand sir roger's grievances and hatredness at home.our patience grows more and more each day for him too. 

we used to live a great life and may we continue to live like this. we may separate or partways then but as long as we are connected on line and the skype is still available then what is wrong with that. we do skype even if we are just a table apart and that is the best thing.

we dont pretend. we just love us. may we always be like this...crazy, funny, witty, honest, sincere and pretty!

ate lala, kai, roxy, ate phing, corazon, and jo you are my sisters from different moms but i love you all.


nancy said...

i love it! great post dear.

alfy said...

you are busy and yet you still manage to post. wow! can you resign now and move here?

sarah said...

you really love your job sweetheart! and you write pretty well :) god bless you!

roy said...

so cool!

samuel said...

can i get your email? can i have your number? i love this post. keep posting!

karen said...

i love reading it over and over again.