Monday, June 26, 2017

happy birthday nanay pining

My nanay pining will turn 56 tomorrow. and yes she is that strong and jolly. today we went to church and pray to ina and give thanks to all the blessings nanay pining had received the year round.
Nanay Pining or Josephina is mom's sister in law. Her husband was mom's eldest brother but died when we were little and mom lived with them since childhood. Nanay pining is blessed with 5 children whom had already have their own family and that little boy is one of her grandchildren.
lao and i grew up with her love. she take care of us when we were little and look over in our family until now. she makes sure that everyone is ok and give advice when we needed one. she has her own house beside our home and i thank god that she lives a few steps away from us because she is always there when we needed help specially now that mom needs supervision with her current health condition. nanay pining used to cook good food. i love her ginisa, her paksiw and everything she cooks.  she is a disciplinarian like that and i thank her for that because we all grew up responsible and god loving child.  
she may have a lot of grandchild now but she never failed to love our family. she always finds time for us. lao and i used to eat in her house in times when we dont like our own food. we even used her bathroom when its late to make it on time. she loves flowers and she takes care of her garden everyday. she is beautiful and smells fifth avenue her perfume. nanay is strong and she is much stronger than my mom. and lao and i love her very much.

happy birthday nanay pining! i always pray to god to always give you a good health and that you may live more to be with us. dont get sick nanay. and always stay strong. our family loves you very much.  dinner will be prepared in your home without you knowing and tomorrow on your big day we will have a feast. padangat mi ikang maray nay! thank you for taking care of my me, tars, lao and mom.

btw nanay pining really loves lauriat, soda and chicken.

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