Sunday, January 13, 2013

precious moments

My whole week really sucks over beating endless deadlines and presentations and all office stuffs, top of it, it was always raining mad outside and the weather is not that good and its even cold during daylight which was unfavorable to an asthmatic like me. i hate it when it rained. my shoes always get muddy and i soaked in wet. i thought the rain would never stop until yesterday and i guess mother fairy is so bored watching me so she spill in some magic and a favorable text message came in....and this is the story.

 look who are back! 
  this is evelyn and andrew now. two of my bestfriends!
 evelyn moved to america fours years ago while andrew is very much happy in damman.  
 how time flies....we got aged already. and gained triple extra weight too! 
 yesterday i meet up with them, we decided that we get a simple and unprepared reunion of three pals. we go to the resort here in our place. and this is their family. 
precious is their only precious child. 
 Precious look at the camera!
 mommy evelyn why are you pouting like that....its not pretty! hahaha chance to meet them up makes me more excited although we were constantly taking over internet and phone. sometimes we lost contact when were busy at home and school but the internet helped us gracefully sew a gap of a decade and hundreds of miles.
this is the village resort @ san bernardino. a newly opened resort just a 15 minutes ride away from where i lived.  
and oh this is where i get to bike every weekend and bought fresh vegetables and fish too. 
such a cool kubo! 
carry me on your shoulders daddy mode :) how i love to see them united once again for real.  you cant keep your smile off your face!
 i love how andrew raise his family. 
despite the thousand miles distance and the costs of living in the foreign land he still provide and took care of his family. precious told me that she used to say goodnight and i love you  daddy over the internet.
this is the very first time precious got to see mimosa pudica....or the bashful plant. 
 and we loved seeing how amazed she was. 
she even move around the resort to find the plant and asked andrew to touch it and there she was  running and looking for that compound leaves that fold inward and droop when touched  and we cant remember how many hours we've spent watching and waiting for the plants to re-open...even asked why is five minutes later took that long? hahhaa

oh i love this family 
They've been doing it for four three years now. seeing each other for real only during christmas. 
 evelyn brings together ate france family. when we were in college ate france used to cook food for us. and she even shares her family to us. the two beautiful children are hers. 
i love how precious projects in the camera. although she is shy at first but well we got no choice but to stole shot for her. and i got this one.
and this too. 
and this also! she never leave the water! and tasted it too :)
evelyn asked her are you peeing in the water? 
precious said in not peeing in the water mom! 
andrew told precious "you look like one!"  and she got so mad :)
while watching over precious and the kids
evelyn looks gorgeous here.
 and ate france kid looks great too!
mommy help me i cant swim. i might be drowned. 
 see that you're floating you even got two life vests how are you going to be drowned? 
just swim there ok.
 yes baby you're not going to be drowned daddy is here!
until she realized that she wont be drowned indeed because it is only a three feet swimming pool :) we got this beautiful smile.
 it's nice how andrew managed to watch out for the kids and making sure they're all safe. 
while evelyn is having pictorials.
 i got this one pretty good :)
 and this one too :)
i like it the most. who would have thought that after 12 years you two wont be friends but lovers!

precious is daddy's little girl

 andrew watched for the kids most of the time that's why he is seldom in the picture
 this is persia pink. ate france older daughter.

andrew spends most of his time watching and playing with precious. 
and lucky to get at least five different pictures andrew!
while andrew is pretty much busy watching over the kids, evelyn is much busy doing her pictorials..... like this
 and this
 like this
 and this
 and this too
 and this also
 and this
 and oh i love this shot!
 and many many more pictures she got that we called anything too :)
 when we where in college we seldom get pictures for ourselves
 pretty darn evs! mimicking ms earth candidates? 
 you look like miss guatemala over here.
 and jasmine trias over here
 i told here that we only do this pictorials when we are having a prenup and she was laughing crazy
 at the back is where we used to fish!
 pretty smile evelyn!
 whatta jump! we might broke the flatform! hahaha
 inside the blue cabana.
 with the herbs 
 tired of going up? keep moving!
 whatta view!
  feels like a donya!
we are both corrugated! hahaha
with the pigeons! there are pigeons on the pix promise! 
overlooking the fish! 
we do more crazy shots like this! 
a stolen shot like this! 
a not so ready to smile shot like this! 
a ready to jump crazy like this!
a not so perfect pose like this! but everything here is precious! 

a tired smile like this! but you cant buy it!
i dont know how we called this smile! we can use google for this smile?
a donya y operada smile? 
a cute smile 
 feels like a pool dancer's smile!
 a pool dancer smile?
a crazy pool dancer smile? 
a cabana model smile? 
 feels like the co-owner of the cabana smile?
 the owner of the cabana smile!
 we dont know how to call this smile.
 and this smile either.
but we had so much fun!
 evelyn told me that going here is like living in paradise!
i told here indeed :) and its nice sharing it with friends and family like yours :)
i got this last pose on the athens ground
and found andrew and precious swimming on a five feet pool already
 and the last pose i shot for andrew before we heeded home
daddy can we stay a little longer? no precious we got flight tomorrow!
 i will surely miss this family. 
 you will forget everything when you have friends like this. 
this simple reunion of old dear pals surpasses the blues of everyday life, bad mood, busy life and piles of files. no amount of dollar could ever buy this. I love you guys. Im sure we will be friends forever. Be safe always. i will see you soon. 

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