Tuesday, January 15, 2013

waking up is hard to do

A beautiful day has something to do with the way you wake up in the morning. They even said that in order to have a beautiful day you must get up on the right side of the bed. It was always been a cliché that I used to hear among grown-up but I didn’t live with it. As I have told you in my previous post that fervently I live life according to what I like, according to what I understand…according to me. I live on with my so called unstandardized life everyday.  Each morning when the alarm beeps up each time I wake up I crawl down the bed and don’t bother which sides I rose up. I don’t usually open my eyes. Not even care how did I manage to get up too. It’s just too hard to wake up in the morning.  As a practice no matter how tough it is to wake up I make sure to smile in-front of the mirror and I already take a bath before leaving the room. No other methods applied to me. I did try my best and I often did ask my friends how to wake up professionally or does waking up in the morning has an applied science on it? or does the bed has really right sides or wrong sides too. They all tell me it’s the will to wake up on time! Okay it’s the will but I cant find the word will in me….. What concerns me the most is the shoes, the bag and the perfume im going to wear. Other than that is the watch and the color of my hair. But waking up is my least priority. 

Today I did wake up before the alarm goes off. I didn’t open my eyes and I smile when I reached the mirror but something terrible happened to me early in the morning. I slipped off because of the slimy bubbles in the bathroom my brother didn’t rinse off well. To my dismay there’s no water from the faucet too so I was forced to get the pail and get water outside. It took me 10 minutes to collect water. My butt is aching a bit. When Im done taking a bath that’s when I realized that my uniform wasn’t ready yet so I asked helped from the maid and when she’s about to iron the clothes the power supply turned off. I was going to be late if I will not put my clothes on so I rambled in the dresser and took whatever dress that suits me.

Our service arrived 5 minutes late so I was late in the office and when he arrive his gas run out too we lined up for the gas station and luckily after five minutes were in the road again. As the day goes on we endure ourselves working on our daily routine. Beating all the deadlines, answering phone calls, responding to email and we worked for the dbase that was never cooperating at all. Nothing beats our daily office life. Unexpected things use to rise up in an expected time of the day. Furthermore, there are clients who feel like they fed you with their money when in fact we don’t even get a single cent from them and the tax that the government collects from us to feed them in return although we are government employees are beyond too much. My tax, mom's tax and my brother's tax could build a house with two bedrooms and a bathroom, a dining and a living room too and could even paid off the whole year salary of two nannies. I should have added the government as my top dependents on the ITR. I was raised to be polite and kind all times so I don’t have a choice but to smile even if I don’t feel like talking to anyone. Time flies and I forgot to eat lunch which cause me to get headache and my eye sore and my butt is killing me. I ended up the day printing all the jobs done but forgot to save them on disk but at least I printed them.

I went home late and it was raining mad. My headache is gone thanks to advil. My shoes get too dirty again and I soaked in wet. Im chilling because I am far from home and I forget to bring umbrella and the office temperature is about 10 degrees. You know that I seldom eat vegetables but the nanny prepared all kinds of vegetables and fish in the table. There’s no meat or chicken either. I know that eating vegetables is good for my health but what i had gone through the day has been too much for eating vegetables. I ended up eating fish alone. I wanted to watch tv but my brother is watching his favorite cartoons in my bedroom. He doesn’t want to watch tv on his bedroom. I argue with him and even told him about the slimy bubbles and what the hell is he doing in my room but he doesn’t want to leave the room. I decided to watch tv on the living room but mom and the nanny are watching their favorite teleserye. I ended up reading Nicholas sparks novel but I read them the nth times. I am always an outcast in our home. The wifi connection at home is in bad mode too. I texted my friends but I get no reply from them when it is only nine in the evening. I decided to stay infront of the computer and browse this blog. I was delighted to see that there are many other bloggers from all over the world who read it. I was curious too of who had been constantly reading it from Mountain View California. I saw you're IP address in my tracker and i thank you for that. Well if you read this try to say hello to me. Is that ok with you?

I feel boring so I sorted out things. I was about to leave them that way but something’s urging me to browse more until I remember that we have a special training in the office tomorrow. So I looked out for my resources. I read thoroughly the instructions my boss had given me. I thought that my bad day has gone out already but while cutting off the paper for tomorrow’s preps I cut the tip of my finger and it hurts and bleeding to death…one more thing on an already terrible day!

All today’s awful things made me realized that at least there are good things that happened to me. I was wet but at least now I know what was January’s rain feels like. I argue with my brother but at least arguing with him makes us normal and it was a long time ago we had this so called sibling rivalry over TV. Still, I thank god for giving me another day to live. Today wasn’t my lucky day. Now I kiss you all goodnight and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. 

And oh by the way which do you think is the best side of the bed?

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