Thursday, December 2, 2010

if you're in my shoe

I finally waved goodbye to papa yesterday…I know I need to let him go… its time to let him go... i know we can make it without him. if you’re in my shoe I guess you’ll do the same…I keep on coming back to his grave…saying hello, and I miss you and I love you…papa left without saying goodbye to me that day he went home to the lord. I need him to my side…if ever god would grant me a wish I want to embrace him tight. I love my papa more than my mom. When I was a kid he was the one who took care of me in the absence of mom because she is busy with work and stuff. He was the one who pick me up after school. There are days that papa will leave and won’t come home for a month or two and if that happens I always ask mom when is he coming back. mom therefore said soon to stop me from asking her when... but yesterday was different...i know he is not coming back...And now I am letting him go to where his real home is.

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