Thursday, June 28, 2012

a road that leads tomorrow

We often see a lot of people complaining about work. A majority of them regard working as an extremely hard, vapid and low earning affliction. They always dream to live a happy life without working. But in reality, it’s is not possible to live without doing work. Each individual needs to work for various reasons, no matter whether he is the son of the billionaire or a layman struggling with poverty. To the best of my knowledge, the most common reasons for people to work are to acquire enormous knowledge, money and to enjoy life.

Firstly, people work to sharpen their skills as well as to learn many aspects of knowledge to solve the problems that helps them to overcome difficulties. Work gives us wisdom. Without working no one can improve his/her skills, knowledge and intelligence. Thus those who work hard enjoy a wonderful life.

Secondly, people work to realize the value of living by producing large amount of goods and services. A farmer is not a farmer until he plant crops; a teacher is not a teacher until she teach classes. They all have their responsibilities and they also win our respects because of their contributions to the society. That’s the meaning of life, which gives us courage and confidence to exert our powers to build a happy home.

We work to keep us healthy. We can communicate with each other during work. Meanwhile, we are helped and encouraged. We have to work to relieve our pressure. When you do something you are very competent, you will view it as a kind of entertainment. You even find joy from them. If we don’t work, we will become torpid and fat.

At the outside, it might seem obvious that jobs are just to earn our daily bread. But we explore the facts beyond the selection of job, there are myriad of factors that go together in selecting a job. Earning money might be a priority because no one likes to live in penury, but it is not the only determining factor. I feel that the selection of a job based on remuneration might be apriority for entry-level aspirants who are in searching for their first job. But once people climb up the corporate ladder there are other factors one looks for. Going by my own experience I would say job satisfaction, recognition is society and realization of a long dream or vision will become the deciding factors as we progress.

With the information technology (which is the most human resource dependent industry) growing at an exorbitant rate, Human resource managers have a tough time to understand what is really needed to retain the cream of talents in their organization. Recent studies show that job satisfaction and recognition are the prime factors that matter to the best talents, of course not to mention a competitive compensation package.

Every man has a vision, and continuous progress in the realization of their vision gives a great feeling of satisfaction and moral boosting. I believe that without this vision we would never have our soldiers sleeplessly safeguarding our country. ‘Serve with honor’ is the mantra which keeps them going strong. It is the same sense of responsibility and pride in serving the humankind that propels the doctors to serve the people without looking at their watches.

Every job is important and has their pros and cons. But it is still our social stigma to weight a person based on their profession. It is this stigma which instigates the people to be finicky in the selection of a job when it comes to social recognition. Even in a social gathering the treatment given to a so-called executive is totally contrast to that of an ordinary low profile truck driver. Yes, people love to be recognized and it does matter to have a job worthy of it.

I believe that working is a tool by which we can make a key to the gate of knowledge; it is a road that leads to tomorrow, and it is a prescription that keeps us fit. All in all, working provides us so much that I love work.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

a letter to me

hi self!

yes I am you.

I am writing to you from a short time. its just that i feel like writing to you.  I am doing this because you currently are having a bad time. I am here to tell you that things will get a whole lot better. I do not have an anxiety-based disorder, I am not wiser, not cleverer, not braver and certainly not stronger than you. 

We are the same person temporarily separated by a simple understanding.

This letter is written to present another option, another way of thinking, a way of thinking that worked for me, it also makes no claims as to be the best strategy or the only strategy ... it is the simple honest conclusions of a self admitted 'layperson' for no charge.

I am not an expert, I don't ever want to be an expert.  I'm just being me.
You don’t have an illness, there is nothing wrong with you.

so how have you been lately?
does your head spin?
what did the doctor's told you about your unstable BP? you now reached 130. and its high for you.

maybe its time for you to slow a bit. you've been abusing yourself lately. that you forget to run. you lacked enough sleep. not even your vitamin c.

dont you know its good for your health too?

have you ever count the minutes in the day you're happy and you're not busy?

good thing there was this internet for you always failed to say hello to your family. you spend more time with the e-environment and you are tired of the real world. you know that you dont like the things that are happening now on earth but look at your surroundings it is still a beautiful world and you have a lot of marvelous things to do with it.

you keep on fighting with your brother over little things when you love him that much.

if you keep on doing stupid things then you will get old even you're just turning 28.

its not the end of the world little girl. what was it? was it still the harvard thing? i promise you that you will have that harvard dream two to three years from now. cheer up and keep going. you are always at your best in everything you does.

i've heard about nervousness? chill!

Relax for everything will turn out fine!

Relax; stretch, breathe in and out. Just remember that whatever ordeal or situation you're about to face, you'll pass through it immediately. If you pass it, unscathed, you succeed. If you fail, you can always try again. Don't dwell on your failure, because for sure, life will give you other opportunities. Don't let your nerves overpower you. With a little perseverance and confidence, you can pass through it. 

guess you should write like this for yourself that often.

of course you :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

across the mangoves!

i cant find the apt word to describe this friendship.  for me you are my sister.  the coolest sister on earth.

I will just have it ramble after all you know what I mean. You can use the translator and google it anyways..

i like you because you like choco chips.
i love you because you love me and lao. but that boy used to get all that you gave to me.
no matter how tough your work is you still comply on all my request. you are my best editor in chief!

each time ive crossed paths with the soul eaters or psychic vampires you are always there for cheer me up when i feel blue and I couldn't deny that joy and when i talk to you on anything no matter how bad the day was i feel that i am alright.

Being cheerful makes you fun to be with. and you never hated me when every time i was like a child who keeps bothering you with the same thing over and over again. 

you are a good listener too. you listen to all my angst and grievances all that matters to me.

when i cant bear my throat because of choclates you always reminds me that it is bad for my health and its my fault after all. 

you wake up me for ignorance… that life is difficult and I have to keep that in mind. I am so thankful to god because I have found a good and reliable friend in you. You never know that I never get the feeling of anxiety that you might disclose to everyone every little secret I told you. With you I can share my secrets freely.

I can freely talk to you on any matter and can discuss the most important topic of my life in a light manner. Your gigantic sense of humor makes me laugh even in the most serious situation and make me feel relaxed and happy.

As much as I remember I was like a caterpillar when I met you but you never try to mold me according to your needs and desire. But love me and accept me the way I am. With that i am forever great full. 

Maybe the very best reason why our friendship got this long is that I learn to respect every detail of you. You are mature and sensible.

The ample amount of love and respect I have in you and you with me makes me pray each day  that our friendship will last until you see an apple in an orange tree.

For your attention, for your care, for every smile, every word ..Thank you very much for being in this world my sister and my best friend.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

where we belong

I feel extremely blessed to say that my life has been filled with many significant friendships. Throughout the years, I have met many different people and shared numerous special memories.

It is unfortunate that true friends seem extremely rare these days. The world would be a much happier place if everyone had at least one true friend. It is such a comfort to have someone to vent all your frustrations, cries, and laugh with. Life is not as fulfilling unless you have a special person that you can connect on so many different levels with. 

The ones I cherish the most are the times spent with my true friends. It is an old clichĆ© that friends are like family that you can choose, and I couldn’t agree more. A true friend will love you despite all the flaws and imperfections you posses. 

My brother once said that friendship is a rare and precious commodity. If you have a friend, who truly understands you and accepts you despite your shortcomings, then you are the luckiest person in the world.

i wrote this post to a dear friend whom i don't feel like naming. Remembering the traits i have been with you and you with me made me say that haysss what a rare and beautiful friendship we have...

Funny it may seem but if it wasnt for pador i may not have known you and be friends with you. i was from the beginning this damn idiot for i dont know what to do with it and I was afraid of you but I found out that you are very kind. Englishera ka kasi at mataray from the very start. you are straight to the point. it was a challenge for me every time you ask for things i dont know how to get them on earth. but most of all i was thankful because you helped to fix things step by step and you didnt even complain in my kulit moments and it was you who taught me to say please that often. days past and i become more comfortable talking to you. i will never forget all your encouragement the very moment i was down and how your words had helped me fix myself.

i once told you that i am rare...yes i am rare because i am me....after all no body dares to call or text you in the ungodly hour just to say sorry and please forgive me for saying things i shouldn't said and make you kulit.

we're apart different from each other including that of our qualities and traits. All the good points are yours already while i am a pickle minded idiot. and i enjoy living on the lighter side. i was easy to please but i guess for myself even though i  dont see you million times in real i often ask myself why are you  so hard to please.

unlike you i shared everything about me and that of my family to you but you never shared anything from me but that is ok. with you i learn to look things on their brighter side.

you are unique in every ways. a perfectionist too. i like you because you listen to me and  most especially is that i love you because you trust me and i trust you more.

i feel like you’re a family to me...i feel like you’re my real big sister. talking to you makes all the tough task easy. with you i learn to love my work too and be positive on everything. i admire your traits and convictions! you're such a good adviser. i have learned to listen because you  taught me to listen. 

i like lakers but you choose any nba team and wishing and cheering for them to win. you know it pained me because  you're the only one among my friends whom doesn’t  like lakers. 

you never mind when i call you tita. But you know what sometimes i want to tell you that it is ok to say i dont know but i might hurt you if i say so that's why i seldom say no to you.

And yes I will always be forever grateful and thankful to our common friend for introducing us.  and like you  i love her too. you two are my greatest big sisters but let's not name her in this post too. My grandma was correct when she told me that if i wanted to be smart then i should surround myself with people smarter than i am and that's what im doing from the very start but i never choose you i know it was by faith and by chance and god choose you for me to be my friends and guide me along the way.

I may not know or it may not really be possible for me to be there when you need me, but you could be sure that my prayers are there, urging heaven to assist you in your time of need.

we are 200% opposite and that's what makes our friendship rare. 

please keep in mind that  you can always count on  me. Those things I elaborated here are ones of the many reasons for our so called friendship. If I am to account I might run out of words and write them on abc instead. in short i want to grow old and be friends with you forever.

with the friendship i've found in you makes me say that i am the luckiest person in the world!

i love you always and forever... dont get old. Smile.
be safe always.