Thursday, June 28, 2012

a road that leads tomorrow

We often see a lot of people complaining about work. A majority of them regard working as an extremely hard, vapid and low earning affliction. They always dream to live a happy life without working. But in reality, it’s is not possible to live without doing work. Each individual needs to work for various reasons, no matter whether he is the son of the billionaire or a layman struggling with poverty. To the best of my knowledge, the most common reasons for people to work are to acquire enormous knowledge, money and to enjoy life.

Firstly, people work to sharpen their skills as well as to learn many aspects of knowledge to solve the problems that helps them to overcome difficulties. Work gives us wisdom. Without working no one can improve his/her skills, knowledge and intelligence. Thus those who work hard enjoy a wonderful life.

Secondly, people work to realize the value of living by producing large amount of goods and services. A farmer is not a farmer until he plant crops; a teacher is not a teacher until she teach classes. They all have their responsibilities and they also win our respects because of their contributions to the society. That’s the meaning of life, which gives us courage and confidence to exert our powers to build a happy home.

We work to keep us healthy. We can communicate with each other during work. Meanwhile, we are helped and encouraged. We have to work to relieve our pressure. When you do something you are very competent, you will view it as a kind of entertainment. You even find joy from them. If we don’t work, we will become torpid and fat.

At the outside, it might seem obvious that jobs are just to earn our daily bread. But we explore the facts beyond the selection of job, there are myriad of factors that go together in selecting a job. Earning money might be a priority because no one likes to live in penury, but it is not the only determining factor. I feel that the selection of a job based on remuneration might be apriority for entry-level aspirants who are in searching for their first job. But once people climb up the corporate ladder there are other factors one looks for. Going by my own experience I would say job satisfaction, recognition is society and realization of a long dream or vision will become the deciding factors as we progress.

With the information technology (which is the most human resource dependent industry) growing at an exorbitant rate, Human resource managers have a tough time to understand what is really needed to retain the cream of talents in their organization. Recent studies show that job satisfaction and recognition are the prime factors that matter to the best talents, of course not to mention a competitive compensation package.

Every man has a vision, and continuous progress in the realization of their vision gives a great feeling of satisfaction and moral boosting. I believe that without this vision we would never have our soldiers sleeplessly safeguarding our country. ‘Serve with honor’ is the mantra which keeps them going strong. It is the same sense of responsibility and pride in serving the humankind that propels the doctors to serve the people without looking at their watches.

Every job is important and has their pros and cons. But it is still our social stigma to weight a person based on their profession. It is this stigma which instigates the people to be finicky in the selection of a job when it comes to social recognition. Even in a social gathering the treatment given to a so-called executive is totally contrast to that of an ordinary low profile truck driver. Yes, people love to be recognized and it does matter to have a job worthy of it.

I believe that working is a tool by which we can make a key to the gate of knowledge; it is a road that leads to tomorrow, and it is a prescription that keeps us fit. All in all, working provides us so much that I love work.

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