Wednesday, June 6, 2012

a letter to me

hi self!

yes I am you.

I am writing to you from a short time. its just that i feel like writing to you.  I am doing this because you currently are having a bad time. I am here to tell you that things will get a whole lot better. I do not have an anxiety-based disorder, I am not wiser, not cleverer, not braver and certainly not stronger than you. 

We are the same person temporarily separated by a simple understanding.

This letter is written to present another option, another way of thinking, a way of thinking that worked for me, it also makes no claims as to be the best strategy or the only strategy ... it is the simple honest conclusions of a self admitted 'layperson' for no charge.

I am not an expert, I don't ever want to be an expert.  I'm just being me.
You don’t have an illness, there is nothing wrong with you.

so how have you been lately?
does your head spin?
what did the doctor's told you about your unstable BP? you now reached 130. and its high for you.

maybe its time for you to slow a bit. you've been abusing yourself lately. that you forget to run. you lacked enough sleep. not even your vitamin c.

dont you know its good for your health too?

have you ever count the minutes in the day you're happy and you're not busy?

good thing there was this internet for you always failed to say hello to your family. you spend more time with the e-environment and you are tired of the real world. you know that you dont like the things that are happening now on earth but look at your surroundings it is still a beautiful world and you have a lot of marvelous things to do with it.

you keep on fighting with your brother over little things when you love him that much.

if you keep on doing stupid things then you will get old even you're just turning 28.

its not the end of the world little girl. what was it? was it still the harvard thing? i promise you that you will have that harvard dream two to three years from now. cheer up and keep going. you are always at your best in everything you does.

i've heard about nervousness? chill!

Relax for everything will turn out fine!

Relax; stretch, breathe in and out. Just remember that whatever ordeal or situation you're about to face, you'll pass through it immediately. If you pass it, unscathed, you succeed. If you fail, you can always try again. Don't dwell on your failure, because for sure, life will give you other opportunities. Don't let your nerves overpower you. With a little perseverance and confidence, you can pass through it. 

guess you should write like this for yourself that often.

of course you :)

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