Sunday, January 17, 2016

this is my week two in twenty sixteen

my week two started with all the narrative report due to me. i was able to finish that monday morning. literally i eat english for breakfast the whole week. things are getting tough. we are facing all the deadlines again.
we were never late this week. were in our office before eight and were so happy about that. maybe because of the reward mom had promise us or maybe because of the hot water but anyhow its cool to arrive first.
i get to explore some of my phone apps. i like using it. 
my lips are all swollen because of the weather. it hurts so much that i have to double the gloss on it. ive been using this product a long time ago and i really like it.
i love gummies my whole life and this one is the best. my bestfriend who is based in spain used to send me this and last christmas i have tons of this and i so love the taste. this helps me make it through the week. the taste is isnt that sweet and sour i just love it. when all is done and i was able to exert a lot of efforts of doing so i just reward myself and eat this.
this is the closer look of the strawberry gummies!
kim got a very high grade for the second grading of which he got two one hundred ratings. i feel so proud of him.mama iyang treat us all with ice cream to celebrate such victory.
as we end the week a new family member went home to heaven because he is in pain and really tired. we were lucky to visit him the night before he died. we will surely miss kuya inggo and his space in our hearts will leave a great void. surely he is in heaven with all our loveones there.  we join the crowds for the sto nino festival in our growing parish. i love seeing all the holy image growing in numbers too for that would mean a lot of new faithfuls in our twelve year old parish.

we are gathered again in the church to celebrate and shout viva pit senior! we did bought a lot of flowers and candies and firecrackers for the church. our whole family is in-charge every year for the holy image during the procession. we just love giving more to the church in our little way. we wish everyone thank you very much for all the help and hoping that we still all do the same in the coming years.
we are forever grateful for all the blessings the holy father has given us. we give thanks and praise for keeping us safe especially all our little ones just like us who have the faith and trust to him. this is also to give thanks for all love kuya inggo had given us while he is still alive. we get to pray for him inside this church and hoping that he will meet all our loves ones up there in heaven. 

this is my second week and i am grateful.

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